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From Our Instructors

HackerYou College of Technology
HackerYou College of Technology
Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.
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More, on Medium

Coding for Coders: How We Built the HackerYou Site

When rebuilding the HackerYou site during our two-month break between cohorts, we had a few goals in mind. We wanted to build a site that was functional, easy to navigate, but also beautiful and full of information. The moment we said…

The switch to the lightbulb: How teaching helped me love what I do again

This post is written by Drew Minns, the latest addition to HackerYou’s incredible teaching team, and was originally published on Medium on April 28th, 2014.

Life as a Freelancer — Notes and Video Recording

This post was originally published on Wes Bos’s website at http://wesbos.com.

Three things I love are coding, teaching and running a business. I’m fortunate enough to do all three for a living. Doing so I get a ton of…