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All about Development and Hackathons
Talking to Robots using just JavaScript!
Talking to Robots using just JavaScript!
Recently I gave a lightning talk at dotJS 2018 — which is a great conference about the latest developments in the world of JavaScript —…
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Nov 28, 2018
GraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XML
GraphQL Will Do To REST What JSON Did To XML
If you are developing applications, either on the backend or frontend side, you should know what a REST API is and must have heard about…
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Jun 15, 2018
5 Examples of React Native Applications Build on Open-Source APIs #javascriptEverywhere
5 Examples of React Native Applications Build on Open-Source APIs #javascriptEverywhere
Earlier I wrote a Medium post showing 5 projects that were build on top of Open-Source APIs using React. In this post I will continue…
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Apr 9, 2018
How Load Testing Brings Developers & Marketeers Together
How Load Testing Brings Developers & Marketeers Together
There often is a somewhat contentious relationship between developers and marketeers. But with the growth of cloud computing and the use of…
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Apr 3, 2018
5 Examples of React Applications Build on Open-Source Media APIs #javascriptEverywhere
5 Examples of React Applications Build on Open-Source Media APIs #javascriptEverywhere
As a big fan of movies/music and React, this post will show some examples of applications I found online that share these both interests…
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Mar 18, 2018
Which are the most popular programming languages at hackathons?
Which are the most popular programming languages at hackathons?
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Nov 28, 2016
Tips for people that attend a hackathon for the first time
Tips for people that attend a hackathon for the first time
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Nov 14, 2016
6 reasons why every developer should attend a hackathon
6 reasons why every developer should attend a hackathon
Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Nov 13, 2016
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