Go to Haiku Hub
Haiku Hub
The place to enjoy and share the art of haiku poetry in pure and varied form
Note from the editor

Exploring and enjoying the art, passion and obsession of haiku poetry — where less is mora! A good review of the poetic form of haiku can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku! Namaste! Got haiku? Want in? Start here: https://medium.com/haiku-hub/got-haiku-a650d1739758

Go to the profile of Sandy Knight
Sandy Knight
♻️ReCycLeD HuMaN♻️MaKiNg a CoMebAcK💚
Go to the profile of Sherry Kappel
Sherry Kappel
Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.
Go to the profile of Katherine P Durbin💬
Go to the profile of Sandy Knight
Sandy Knight
♻️ReCycLeD HuMaN♻️MaKiNg a CoMebAcK💚
Go to the profile of Indira Reddy
Indira Reddy
Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…
Go to the profile of Sherry Caris
Go to the profile of Zev
bring me to where my blood runs
Go to the profile of Meg
Writing, because talk is cheap
Go to the profile of Betta Tryptophan
Betta Tryptophan
Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it
Go to the profile of Kishan Agarwal
Go to the profile of M
Talking about personal relationships, feelings I feel, and issues I care about. Sometimes attempting poetry.
Go to the profile of Gail Boenning
Go to the profile of KRoberts
Go to the profile of Tasneem Kagalwalla
Tasneem Kagalwalla
Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~ www.tasneemkagalwalla.com
Go to the profile of Classical Sass
Classical Sass
Perpetually three eighth notes shy of a homicide. Find me on patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=5362411
Go to the profile of Tamyka Bell
Tamyka Bell
writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing
Go to the profile of E. Scott Alighieri
E. Scott Alighieri
Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings. W.H. Auden
Go to the profile of MWM
Student of the world who wants to help others and loves writing. On Twitter @mwmblue and Instagram @missMWMblue and YouTube @MWMblue with Books and Life series
Go to the profile of Anna Breslin
Anna Breslin
GenX writer, comma splicer. I write a mix of essays and poetry here. Collections: https://medium.com/annapoetics and https://medium.com/liminal-days
Go to the profile of Michael Holuj
Michael Holuj
Canadian psychotherapist.
Go to the profile of Sunaina Gulia
Go to the profile of josemilanez
Psicanalista, professor de filosofia que resolveu escrever crônicas.
Go to the profile of Geoff Atkins
Geoff Atkins
A walking knowingly unashamed trope. British (learn to love the U’s). Digital Marketing Master (although I try to keep work and play separate). Prompt God.
Go to the profile of Allan Rae
Allan Rae
Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com
Go to the profile of JusTeeJo
One day at a time- but learning as I go. Read and write to expand my thoughts.
Go to the profile of Bindu Lamba
Bindu Lamba
Author of Love soul and beyond. A passionate writer who loves to write.
Go to the profile of Ibrahim Ajala
Ibrahim Ajala
Student of life. Disciple of freedom. Harbinger of love
Go to the profile of Sally O'Dowd
Sally O'Dowd
multimedia content production and marketing, magazine self-publisher and poet www.sallyodowd.com www.sallyonmedia.net
Go to the profile of Willow T. Lovelace
Willow T. Lovelace
Polonius: What do you read, my lord? Hamlet: Words, words, words. (Hamlet 2.2.200–201)
Go to the profile of Máyọ̀wá
Nigerian-American. Wishes she could speak her mother tongue like her mother's tongue. Regaining my kàlore after living a mostly invisible life.
Go to the profile of S S
Go to the profile of C. Duhnne
C. Duhnne
Just expanding my universe.
Go to the profile of Stuart James
Stuart James
The story speaks for itself. Remember to be a good person. Links and index at https://sjhtma.medium.com/a-suggestion-6e92a330f746
Go to the profile of Nancy E. Pitts
Nancy E. Pitts
I write because I can't not write.
Go to the profile of Colette
I'm not a marshmallow kind of person. I'm more a hard toffee kinda girl. More intense flavour but not everyone has the teeth for me.
Go to the profile of Lucas Reccitelli
Go to the profile of Futerthoughts
Hi I stay low long way not say too much an make what i wanna be good maybe make jokes like Komödie. a god one. i always with god. lil poesy maybe Evolution
Go to the profile of Punnachai Juntamongkon
Go to the profile of Steve Hall
Go to the profile of Rosina Akinola
Rosina Akinola
Hello everyone! I am a mother of three and my oldest son is deceased. He was murdered on November 21, 2015, two days before my birthday. I am seeking justice.
Go to the profile of Aura Wilming
Aura Wilming
Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.
Go to the profile of Anery Patel
Anery Patel
Tech, Travel, and Wellness. All about learning and unlearning
Go to the profile of m.
Go to the profile of The Green Fairy🧚🏼‍♂️
Go to the profile of Lynn Browder
Lynn Browder
I am on a mission to spread autism awareness, compassion, love and understanding. I have a twelve year old son, Owen who has autism. Love music and comedy.
Go to the profile of Patsy Starke
Patsy Starke
Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, Parent, Grandparent, Normal every day run of the mill person, realizing my place here.
Go to the profile of Dikshita
Observing the world and laughing weirdly
Go to the profile of Misbahu El-Hamza
Misbahu El-Hamza
Health comms pro. Communications Associate at New Incentives. Media-EIS Fellow. Solutions Journalism Africa Fellow. Passionate about research and storytelling.
Go to the profile of k.moon
Go to the profile of Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Atheist. Spewer of sometimes interesting and entertaining gibberish. https://www.amazon.com/Steve-Howard/e/B00WQX1D96?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_aba
Go to the profile of Ram
Rivers and valleys/ And mountains with snow-clad peaks/ Made his soul their home
Go to the profile of Darryl Willis
Darryl Willis
Has worked in non-profits for 40 years and is currently a Regional Director for an international non-profit. He holds an MA in Biblical text.
Go to the profile of Erin Louise Huxley
Erin Louise Huxley
Poet, Feminist, and Writer from Vancouver, BC
Go to the profile of Haiku Man
Haiku Man
I have recently discovered Haiku which are Japanese inspired form of poetry. I like them for their simplicity, reverence and insight.
Go to the profile of Christa
Where We Belong. How do we get to where we want to be if no one hears us? We have a story.
Go to the profile of 🌸pamela star🌸
🌸pamela star🌸
Daydreamer and Legal Analyst from Vancouver, Canada. A hopeless romantic, music lover, amateur writer and poet wannabe. Practice makes perfect. Well, maybe...💁
Go to the profile of ethan macdonald
ethan macdonald
Senior Product Designer @blockchain • Sith Apprentice • Master Lumberjack • midwest bred, west coast led
Go to the profile of Madhumita Sinha
Madhumita Sinha
A poet and a writer at heart A corporate trainer by profession . A maverick to the world . She love to weave her emotions through poetry !
Go to the profile of AymaraShokunin NYC
AymaraShokunin NYC
Passion/Soul/Heart. Writing as the words strike me. Inspired by word prompts, history, music, my muse, light, darkness, Zen Buddhism. Queens via South America.
Go to the profile of Paul S Markle
Paul S Markle
Wordsmith Apprentice studying under this collective community genius. Writer of fiction, poetry, etc. Former head shrinker, current equine coach…
Go to the profile of Owen Banner
Owen Banner
Fully human characters, meaningful moral struggles, relationships at stake. An Amish Vampire Thriller Available at: https://owenbanner.com/
Go to the profile of Bruce Brachna
Bruce Brachna
65 yrs. old. sometimes poet. occasional thinker, schizophrenic. bruce.brachna@yahoo.com or bbrachna8@gmail.com
Go to the profile of RobinB Creative
RobinB Creative
Discovering Creativity
Go to the profile of Ambarish Chaudhari
Ambarish Chaudhari
making my way through mist of magic over lanes of logic
Go to the profile of Cheney Meaghan
Cheney Meaghan
Writer mom. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m doing it anyway. http://twitter.com/@cheney_meaghan
Go to the profile of Evelyn Roe
Go to the profile of Steve Frank
Steve Frank
A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.
Go to the profile of Quintin van Heerden
Quintin van Heerden
perpetual ponderer・status quo questioner・pun proponent・lifelong learner・people developer・topnotch traveller・devout dreamer・coffee & ice-cream snob
Go to the profile of A.I. Root
A.I. Root
Poet, Haiku, Author of “Technology Haiku”
Go to the profile of Tanu Vohra
Tanu Vohra
Words whizz around my mind and I engrave them into my writing…galvanising and rejuvenating thoughts each day…..
Go to the profile of Belle D.
Belle D.
writing is a release.
Go to the profile of Moses in the Wild
Moses in the Wild
new woodsman love stories, recovery, clinical counseling theories Bret Marston Hall
Go to the profile of Patrick Ramsey
Patrick Ramsey
Writer, therapist, lover of traveling, slave of dark chocolate almonds - pronouns he / him / his - integralgrowthsolutions.net
Go to the profile of Shadi Mirza
Shadi Mirza
Wordsmith. Renegade freak beast. Literally the best to ever do it. Live long, party hard and drink lots of water.
Go to the profile of Nancy Dillon
Go to the profile of kurt gasbarra
kurt gasbarra
Us Poets... sad but Hoping Delicious delusions of Humanity’s Ultimate goal... of serving Others in need more than Meself. But I digress here Music 🎶 is
Go to the profile of Roger M. Woodbury
Roger M. Woodbury
Roger M. Woodbury is a Maine writer. He’s done a bunch of things now just pondering and writing rambling thoughts from rural Maine.
Go to the profile of ak_finch
Christian, writer, teacher, poet, blogger, movie addict, coffee drinker, Netflix binge watcher. Author of Fading Blue - Book of Haiku.
Go to the profile of Vijay Upadhyay
Vijay Upadhyay
Poetry, philosophy, psychology, leadership, finance. My experiences, observations and things I do. vijayupadhyay4936@gmail.com
Go to the profile of nancy dillon
nancy dillon
I love Apple Jacks®.
Go to the profile of Jackie Ann
Jackie Ann
Passionate writer who enjoys using the creative process as a means of self expression and self reflection.
Go to the profile of mithun mukherjee
mithun mukherjee
Lazy world conqueror. More later.
Go to the profile of Rishita Bagchi
Go to the profile of Heath ዟ
Heath ዟ
Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.
Go to the profile of Mela Blust
Mela Blust
poet. mother. lover. human. http://www.melablust.com
Go to the profile of Georgiana Petec
Georgiana Petec
Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here. https://georgianapetec.com/
Go to the profile of Randy Shingler
Randy Shingler
Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.
Go to the profile of Mateen Manek
Mateen Manek
Filmmaker and Writer. Founder of The Curious Society. Loves telling stories (especially from people we don’t normally get to hear from).
Go to the profile of Ben Snowden 🤘
Ben Snowden 🤘
Go to the profile of Marla Szwast
Marla Szwast
A mom who writes, in the cracks of time, between educating, chauffeuring and feeding half a dozen kids. Top writer in Parenting.
Go to the profile of Alexandre Liberato
Alexandre Liberato
Back-end Developer
Go to the profile of Wendy Van Camp
Wendy Van Camp
I love to read books, sketch, and drink coffee. I'm an author and a Anaheim Poet Laureate Emerita. #speculativepoetry #sciencefiction #memoir #poetry #scifaiku
Go to the profile of AdditionalSky
Paranormal Investigator | Mental Health Advocate | YouTuber | Feminist | Socialist | I believe in Justice and other Fairytales…
Go to the profile of Kim Sosin
Kim Sosin
Kim McNealy Sosin has renewed her love of nature, poetry, and travel following retirement as a university professor of economics.
Go to the profile of China Cancio
China Cancio
Filipino who ❤ haiku and poems
Go to the profile of Molly Skeen
Molly Skeen
learning about myself and life through writing
Go to the profile of Debbie Aruta-Watkins
Go to the profile of Martine Weber
Martine Weber
Published author and poet from the heart | Creative reflections on life’s mysteries | https://medium.com/@martineweber/membership
Go to the profile of Alejandro Gawlik Coste
Alejandro Gawlik Coste
German-Dominican Japanese studies major. Self-taught musician, music enthusiast, and haiku lover. 日本語・日本文化研修留学生として宇都宮大学に留学中。
Go to the profile of Ali Wyles
Ali Wyles
she and her and hers / telling you her stories and / listening to yours
Go to the profile of AK (Aaska Aejaz)
AK (Aaska Aejaz)
Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!
Go to the profile of August Alondra
August Alondra
Late blooming Renaissance Enby. Loving life, family, friends and myself. Enjoying creating art, music, poetry and stories.
Go to the profile of Joey
Writer | insanely curious about the real world & endlessly in love with fantasy
Go to the profile of Mitul Bhat
Mitul Bhat
A father, husband, friend, designer, writer, beer and tea lover in exactly the same order! Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. www.mitulbhat.com
Go to the profile of Jac Harmony
Jac Harmony
Reader of beautiful words and a dreamer of creating literary art. I love to explore and try my hand at different poetry forms. Every moment is a muse!
Go to the profile of Carina Fernandes
Carina Fernandes
Coffee roaster by day, moonlighting as a writer by night.
Go to the profile of Tomasz Wiszniewski
Tomasz Wiszniewski
Just a speck of dust floating onward. www.tomaszwiszniewski.com
Go to the profile of Broomhead James
Broomhead James
Essayist | Disabled Army Vet ’00 -’11
Go to the profile of Alice Evergreen
Alice Evergreen
Reaching new insights through poetic verse. Poetry every other day — at least that’s the goal. Writing on love, loss, LGBTQA, and life in general.
Go to the profile of Javier Gómez
Javier Gómez
Language craftsman, traveller & questioner
Go to the profile of RZJ
Post-capitalist witch with Buddhist tendencies.
Go to the profile of Jason Heffron
Jason Heffron
Husband, father and real estate agent in Austin, TX
Go to the profile of Carver Bain
Carver Bain
Writer and Filmmaker.
Go to the profile of Sebastián Vansteenkiste
Sebastián Vansteenkiste
Writer of programming source code who also tries to write thoughts understandable by humans when he's not busy practicing kendo or thinking idly.
Go to the profile of Mathushah.S
Passionate coffee-lover who also loves brewing her thoughts into microtales.
Go to the profile of h.a wadi
h.a wadi
Through love, there is light. Scientist/Writer/LocalActivist
Go to the profile of Antoo Varghese
Go to the profile of Eric Griggs
Eric Griggs
Juxtaposeur, technical analyst, process engineer, poet wordsmith, INTJ, Anansi, MBTI certified practitioner & team-builder, certifiable fabulist & Uppity Queer™
Go to the profile of Gwen Saoirse
Gwen Saoirse
Saoirse is pronounced "seer sha" - Gaelic for freedom. I have tasted it and I thirst for it. As a transgender woman, I want my LGBTQ+ community to achieve it.
Go to the profile of Subria
Navigating this fascinating world and sharing lessons along the way. (Names in stories have been changed to protect others’ privacy.)
Go to the profile of Nour
An expression of self 🫀
Go to the profile of Elavarasi Manogaran
Elavarasi Manogaran
Lead, Computer Science Curriculum & Learning, Poet who writes about CS, nature and life
Go to the profile of Daciana Lipai
Daciana Lipai
Fine art photographer, author of The Photopoetry Book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opwdDtmBJJ0&t=28s
Go to the profile of Leonardo J. Duarte
Leonardo J. Duarte
Ph.D. Student in Quantum Chemistry. Interested in all fields of natural sciences and technology. Enjoys board games, playing tennis and bushcraft.
Go to the profile of Sean Biava
Sean Biava
Tech has changed how we communicate forever. Lets make sure that peace and love are always a part of the conversation.
Go to the profile of Wendell McQuary
Wendell McQuary
Traveler, Freelancer,Blogger, Rookie Poet, Word Juggler,Austinite,Cozumeleno
Go to the profile of Meg
Here to spend some more time with words and expand my horizons :)
Go to the profile of Poetry by Tapan Avasthi
Poetry by Tapan Avasthi
Poetry and prose about life from the lens of an engineer. Buy me a coffee — https://www.buymeacoffee.com/9saLdZFW1 💗POM-poet!💗
Go to the profile of Anish Lamichhane, MD
Anish Lamichhane, MD
Husband, Medical Doctor; Active on Health Awareness; Trying to unjargon the Medical Jargons; Poet; Writer; https://healthandpoem.blogspot.com
Go to the profile of Jk Mansi
Jk Mansi
To know where you're going find out where you've been. I strive to be joyful. I read. I write. I’m grateful.
Go to the profile of Keith Brooks
Keith Brooks
The grapes are sometimes merciful. California Travel, Essays, Short Fiction, and Reviews.
Go to the profile of Jay Squires
Jay Squires
I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.
Go to the profile of dr. d. e. fulford
dr. d. e. fulford
Instructor, director of education, researcher, and author of poetry collection— southern atheist: oh, honey — from Cathexis Northwest Press
Go to the profile of Heather R. Parker
Heather R. Parker
Freelance content writer, poet, mental health advocate, and chronic illness warrior. I dream of endless summers. Instagram: @heather_r_parker
Go to the profile of Gen
Go to the profile of Frances Tate
Frances Tate
Writer — of vampires and other, shorter bites.
Go to the profile of Darshak Rana
Darshak Rana
Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit : https://shorturl.at/muJV7
Go to the profile of ShaRhonda
Random rambler currently rummaging through words and phrases until I find my niche. Loves poetry, fiction, and almost anything humorous.
Go to the profile of K. A. Bennett
K. A. Bennett
a poet and artist, mother, nature-seeking lover of the profound in the mundane
Go to the profile of Nathan Boyett
Nathan Boyett
Trying to learn and unlearn at the same time.
Go to the profile of Yoahann Banaji
Go to the profile of Sean Fowler
Sean Fowler
Combat Veteran I Professional Plant Parent I Activist I Student Instagram: @seanfowler Twitter: @realseanfowler
Go to the profile of Alif Hunafah
Alif Hunafah
A writer who believes in the power of words.
Go to the profile of Somsubhra Banerjee
Somsubhra Banerjee
Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)
Go to the profile of E.M Pauling (brb, currently writing a book)
E.M Pauling (brb, currently writing a book)
Biochemist by day, amateur/avid dabbler in all things creative: film photography, writing, dancing, sewing, cooking, reading... renaissance millennial 🇰🇪🇺🇸
Go to the profile of Oak
Anonymous writer
Go to the profile of Hamna Labeeb
Hamna Labeeb
Author (formerly published as Sana Rose) | Psychologist | www.hamnalabeeb.com
Go to the profile of Arvindh Shyam
Arvindh Shyam
~ Expressing through Poetry and Stories ~ Dad & Husband ~ Poem & Short Story Writer ~ Ponderer & Dreamer
Go to the profile of Oswald Chen
Oswald Chen
Making it up as I go
Go to the profile of Jansen Tang
Jansen Tang
A humanistic contrarian, technologist and strategic ideator seeking to explore and maximise the connectedness of ideas and relationships.
Go to the profile of John Kraynik
Go to the profile of Sydney Duke Richey
Sydney Duke Richey
Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*
Go to the profile of E
Skincare junkie and overly caffeinated writer.
Go to the profile of Vivienne Teh
Vivienne Teh
📸IG: vivshoots123
Go to the profile of Anchal Sood, PhD
Anchal Sood, PhD
A scientist’s brain and a writer’s heart. I can’t change your life but my life stories can.
Go to the profile of Dayleah Rose
Dayleah Rose
A poet writing quietly, a writer studying vigorously, and a student living in poetry.
Go to the profile of Ibrahim Alkuraya
Ibrahim Alkuraya
Prose and Poetry and whatever is between them.
Go to the profile of J.A. Taylor
J.A. Taylor
scifishorts.co | jataylorwrites.com
Go to the profile of Jesse
I write poems, monologues and anything else I can sit down long enough to put on paper.
Go to the profile of Dr Ron Pol
Dr Ron Pol
Outcomes science, applied to life. Current main focus AML/CFT. Outcomes architect, loves engaging with open minds. See: https://bit.ly/3bj0Y3y
Go to the profile of Aline G.
Aline G.
Writer. Singer. Dog enthusiast. History major. Gamer. And an absolute mess.
Go to the profile of Lara Geary
Go to the profile of Nehizena Osagie
Nehizena Osagie
23 years old, biology student and bio-inspired innovator. Philosopher at heart, over-thinker by nature.
Go to the profile of Naomi Kenan
Naomi Kenan
Then: Woman’s World, NY Post, Jersey Journal. Now: I write about mental illness, love, loss, and the dilemmas of being human. (And me, of course.)
Go to the profile of Chuck J Douros
Chuck J Douros
I spend entirely too much time writing for work. Medium gives me a chance to read and write for pleasure, so here I am! Enjoy, and be enjoyed. Be well!
Go to the profile of Elia Tenebrae
Elia Tenebrae
Poetry and short stories writer. Just a wanderer in this enchanted Universe, where writing and music prevent me from consuming.
Go to the profile of Uday Jhunjhunwala
Uday Jhunjhunwala
Writer, filmmaker, and investor living in NYC, hoping the Dodgers move back to Brooklyn one day…
Go to the profile of Swati Suman
Swati Suman
In the rhythm of words, I try to unfold life. Thoughtful expressions in Philosophy, Science, Humanities. Compassion above All. Email: swatis.writes@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jazmin Orozco
Jazmin Orozco
I am Jazmin, mother, wife, daughter, sister, Christian, mental health enthusiast, poetry lover, and so much more. @_hazmeen_ jazz.orozco@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Breanna Lowman
Breanna Lowman
Poet, writer, creative enthusiast. Wife and mother of three. Lover of different cultures and perspectives. Passionate about authenticity and bridge building.
Go to the profile of Nanette Schieron
Nanette Schieron
Former psychotherapist, naturalist, gardener, lover of beauty and truth , trying my hand at poetry.
Go to the profile of Dan Leicht
Dan Leicht
Writes Romance and Sci-Fi. The Centennial Series (Romance Trilogy) available on Kindle Unlimited. Weekly Substack Newsletter: https://danleicht.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Alex Kilcannon
Alex Kilcannon
Writer, poet, outdoors instructor and Mother of Teenagers. I rewild kids for a living.
Go to the profile of Pierre Trudel
Pierre Trudel
I am a writer, sharing my life with a partner and soul mate for over 57 years. We love to help others reach their Dreams. Thee Quest. Let us be your compass.
Go to the profile of Shoreditchpoet
Local poet/writer. ‘There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.’ E. Hemingway. All ©️DMM
Go to the profile of J. Alise
Go to the profile of Andrew JW
Andrew JW
Living a life I believe in. Urbanite of New Orleans; receptive to jazz 🎵⚜️🎨🎶🎷🎺🎨
Go to the profile of Adam Bakst
Adam Bakst
Adam Bakst is a full-time PR executive, part-time comedy writer and all-around decent guy.
Go to the profile of Lubna Yusuf
Lubna Yusuf
BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna
Go to the profile of Navya Gupta
Navya Gupta
I am a 100-year-old soul stuck in the body of a 20-something… Connect with me on Instagram - unwor_d