Introducing Recipes

Manlio Poltronieri
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

Today we’re excited to roll out HAL v1, which makes it easier and more fun to create automation thanks to the introduction of Recipes. HAL is now the first 1-click-setup IFTTT for Ethereum, featuring dApp-specific integrations with webhooks, Discord, Slack, Telegram, Twitter and emails.

Recipes are a new, collaborative way to create and share your favorite triggers. They build up on the work we’ve been doing with our basic triggers, but they specialize in a particular use-case at a time. The idea came to us when we noticed how many of our users were creating the same “kind” of triggers again and again, so we decided to streamline the creation process. This means users can now focus only on what matters to them — integration with their off-chain platform (spoiler: soon: on-chain too!).

Every dApp or category will have its own section, and in the near future users will be able to create and share their own recipes with the community.

Together with recipes we also released a new templating system, which will enable you to create more powerful and expressive triggers.

The best part? You don’t even need to login to give it a try.

Your first recipe

A few weeks ago we showed you how to use HAL to create a Twitter bot for tracking winners and user deposits on PoolTogether, in less than 2 minutes, and without coding.

Our PoolTogether bot :)

People liked it:

In fact, people liked it so much that our hack won the the “Best PoolTogether Project” at the New York Blockchain Week 🏆

So we thought this was the perfect use case for our first recipe. Here is how you can try it out, no login, no coding.

Head over to and select “PoolTogether”:

The new Explore section

When you use your first recipe to create a trigger, you’ll find a stripped down version of our usual “IF” form. You can select the pool you want to watch, DAI for the weekly prize, or USDC for the daily prize. If you only care when you win, fill in your address; if you want the trigger to fire every time anyone wins, leave it blank.

🔥 That’s it! 🔥

Now jump straight to the Action part, and connect your trigger with your favorite off-chain platform — web hooks, Email, Twitter, Telegram, Discord or Slack. Craft your own message: you’ll find a little pre-filled template with some hints on how to reference data from the specific transaction, event or smart contract. For this recipe it looks like this:

If you’re a regular, we updated our template system; you can find more info on our Gitbook.

Congratulations for using your first recipe to create a trigger on HAL!

Where to go from here

We’re going to release several new recipes over the next days, but we’d also love to hear from you which recipe you’d like to see next by filling the typeform here.

Don’t forget to:

