Go to Half & Half
Half & Half
Living in a world that is more colourful than Black & White…
Note from the editor

Living in a world that is more colourful than Black & White…

Go to the profile of Veronica Heringer
Veronica Heringer
1/2 Brazilian, 1/2 Canadian, Digital Strategist, proud Gen Y-er. Opinions are my own! writes @madameheringer & @halfhalf2016
Go to the profile of Half & Half
Go to the profile of Veronica Heringer
Veronica Heringer
1/2 Brazilian, 1/2 Canadian, Digital Strategist, proud Gen Y-er. Opinions are my own! writes @madameheringer & @halfhalf2016
Go to the profile of Clarissa Vaz de Magalhães
Go to the profile of Deconstructing Cliches
Deconstructing Cliches
A multi-dimensional social experiment focused on the sovereignty and uniqueness of the individual.