Has Science Found a Cure for Narcissism?

Can narcissistic traits be reduced? A new study seems to suggest help from an unlikely place — magic mushrooms.

Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club


Courtesy of Carlos Herrero at Pexels

With the world’s most famous narcissist flailing around and desperately trying not to lose face after his election loss, it comes at a quite fitting time that researchers have discovered a way that people can indeed become less narcissistic quite quickly.

Sadly, I don’t think the outgoing president of the USA will be partaking in the method, and it’s also illegal in most places in the world — although things are starting to change in places in the USA and Canada. If you’re in Europe, there’s always the Netherlands too.

The answer to narcissism, weirdly enough, appears to be magic mushrooms.

The drug in magic mushrooms, psilocybin, has been under a lot of study recently. Initially trialled to assist with end of life depression after a terminal diagnosis, it’s since had great results for PTSD, depression, anxiety, quitting smoking, and, strangely, narcissism.

But is it so strange, really? Maybe not, when we look at the psychedelic experience and how narcissists look at the world.

I’ve had a few psychedelic journeys on magic mushrooms and DMT in the form of Ayahuasca…



Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club

Research-backed ways to change your life for the better. Out now: The Confident Introvert’s Handbook. Actor/screenwriter. Forge, Better Humans, Mind Cafe.