Our Core Values: Creating Happiness & A Sense of Wonder

Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

One of the first things we did when we started building Happy Coffee was define our core values. We’d like to share each of these with you in a set of blog posts. Today we’re focussing on ‘Creating Happiness and A Sense of Wonder’.

To us, creating happiness and sense of wonder means to surprise and delight, to create small pockets of happiness, and create an amazing feeling for our nominees.

In essence, we want to capture a small amount of that magical Christmas morning feeling when our nominees receive their cup. The awe.

We love being part of that feeling of happiness and wonder. We’ve feel it ourselves every time we receive an inspiring nomination or someone buys a cup. And we’ve learned it’s even more special the moment we’re packing off the deliveries knowing in a few days someone will be opening their surprise.

The infographic below, from The Greater Good Science Center, shows how buying someone a cup from Happy Coffee, and creating a feeling of awe, has benefits for yourself, as well as for them.

We know that doing acts of kindness for others is good for you and your health, but when you buy a cup for someone else the benefits of that small gesture spread much further. Experiencing awe is also proven to promote loving-kindness and magnanimous behaviour (Psychology Today).

A sense of wonder doesn’t have to be found in something big or extravagant, it can be a tiny gesture or a commonplace event. At Happy Coffee we work on a Pay What You Want basis. This means you can buy someone a cup of happiness, for as little as £1. You’re not only doing a purposeful act of kindness, but hopefully fill them with a little awe and wonder at the same time.

We hope that the benefits of that awe moment, created by receiving a Happy Coffee continue far beyond the moment they open the box. That they relive it when they drink that first mug of fresh coffee (or tea) and every time they use the mug.

According to research you’ll be making the nominee more altruistic, more grateful, aware of others strengths and less stressed.

Why not try it to day and find out how it’s so much more than just a cup of coffee.




Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee

We believe that the small things matter. Spreading love one cup of happiness at a time. www.happy-coffee.co.uk