A Heroic Level-Up Journey to Your Lifelong Healthy Diet

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readApr 9, 2022

This week’s post comes with a fun vintage videogame theme, pitting us (the heroes) against a dangerous villain in the form of the SAD (Standard American Diet). We can vanquish this villain by clearing ten levels:

  1. Begin with a simple fruit bowl (that you never allow to go bad)
  2. Show a few seconds of intense bravery to keep the SAD out of your home
  3. Build a legion of craving busters and deploy them every day
  4. Take up the art of healthy, tasty, and practical home-made meals
  5. Create your personal collection of daily nutrient-dense superfoods
  6. Reduce meat consumption to a minimum (or eliminate it altogether)
  7. Banish refined sugar from your life (it’s easier than it sounds!)
  8. Implement time-restricted eating (e.g., an 8-hour window)
  9. Grow some of your own food (e.g., sprouts and hydroponic veggies)
  10. Gradually eliminate permanent stressors that lead to emotional eating

Making our way through these levels is more than just a game. The SAD causes more death than the Coronavirus did at its peak, so weakening its grip on our lives is a truly heroic feat. Everyone who breaks ties with the SAD reduces its economic might and its ability to harm others.

Best of luck on your heroic whole-food journey!


