Chapter 4: Fitness

Want to feel happier, look better, and live longer? Try designing your environment to make exercise automatic.


The mission is simple: Get into the “spontaneous fitness valley” and settle down for life.

The Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable (HHWPS) project is all about building environments that make wholesome actions automatic. Nowhere is this idea more powerful than with fitness.

Ironically, that’s also why this was one of the shorter chapters. The principles are so simple that there really isn’t all that much to say about the matter.

But simple does not mean easy. As an example, here are my top recommendations for a life of totally effortless fitness:

  • Build a car-free lifestyle
  • Locate your home close to nature
  • Acquire a set of skills that make movement fun
  • Ingrain yoga and strength training deep into your routines

Once these four elements are all set up, fitness becomes a breeze. But getting to this point takes plenty of time and effort.

The six articles in this chapter are written to reduce this time and effort to the bare minimum.

How Fit are You?

We start off with six simple tests to check where you stand fitness-wise. All tests are adjusted for age…

