Contents of the HHWPS Project

Happy, healthy, wealthy, and productive living to help save the world


Compiled from Pixabay images by Jill Wellington, pasja1000, Erik Stein, Gerd Altmann, and annca.

Medium is filled with personal growth advice. So, what’s different about the Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable (HHWPS) project?

Three things:

  1. The focus on sustainable development. My mission is to convince the world that a sustainable life is a happy, healthy, wealthy, and productive life. We can all help save the world by building a life we love living 🙂
  2. An organized structure and presentation. We’ll systematically work through 12 coherent chapters to capture all the wonderful synergies between health, happiness, and sustainability.
  3. An unwavering focus on creating permanent change. The HHWPS project is designed to make happy, healthy, wealthy, productive, and sustainable living fully automatic. It’s all about minimizing the need for willpower by building optimized environments.

This page will organize the contents of the HHWPS project as it evolves over the next two years. The chapters are listed below with links to separate pages that contain the individual articles in each chapter.

1. Morning Routines

