How Nerds Can Become Fit Nerds

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readApr 16, 2021

I’m an unapologetic nerd who spends 10 hours per day on his computer researching, writing, and running simulations. Lucky for me, this type of lifestyle is now much more broadly accepted than it used to be. Indeed, the global technology obsession has done the impossible: it made nerds cool.

But you know what’s even cooler than a productive nerd? A fit and productive nerd.

And the best news is that this ideal doesn’t even need to be a struggle! This week’s article presented four surprising synergies between fitness and living behind a computer with the power to produce many more fit nerds:

  1. The nerd-enhancing power of nature. Creativity grows with regular movement in nature, and the location-independent work of most nerds can give them this great advantage.
  2. The privilege of car-free living. Telecommuting and online retail can help nerds conveniently avoid the burden of car ownership, granting automatic fitness and augmented financial/creative freedom.
  3. For the love of tech. Fitness is getting techier by the day. Nerds can ride their love of technology to better fitness with various devices and apps.
  4. Algorithms for life. Designing that perfect algorithm for integrating fitness into a productive tech-filled lifestyle is deeply engaging.

If you live a creative life behind your computer, try setting up these synergies. They will soon turn fitness into one of your biggest creative allies.

Have an HHWPS weekend!


