Mastering the Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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2 min readSep 18, 2021

Holistic health. Nice alliteration. Brilliant life philosophy.

Excellent physical health habits build a better body. A better body produces a more positive mental state. And a positive mental state makes it easier to maintain those excellent physical health habits. It’s a powerful self-strengthening cycle that greatly enhances the experience of life.

This week’s article explores several vital mental/physical health connections and then gets practical with a focused piece of advice:

Do not waste a positive mental state on pursuing health directly. Instead, use it to create environments that make healthy actions come naturally, even during tough times.

Next, we delved into some tangible guidelines for building these precious healthy environments:

  1. Fill your home with gut-healthy food. Food creates mood, mainly via the gut-brain axis. The key to pulling this one off is mastering some tasty and practical whole-food recipes.
  2. Learn to really enjoy moving your body. Exercise is the healthiest natural high out there. There are hundreds of options, so there must be a solution for you. Getting out in nature makes it even better.
  3. Prioritize sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation degrades every aspect of life, including mental and physical health. The antidote to this blatant self-sabotage is a fully automated morning routine.
  4. Destroy your self-destruct triggers. We don’t destroy our mental and physical health because we want to. There’s always a deeper reason. Find it, fix it, and enjoy life without it.
  5. Build a healthy identity. If there’s one surefire way to live healthily ever after, it’s to make healthy living part of who you are. Figure out what health means to you and build your identity around that.

Yep, a healthy environment truly is one of the greatest investments you can ever hope to make.

Have an HHWPS weekend!


