The Art and Science of Living Healthier for Longer

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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2 min readMar 4, 2022

Humanity has long been intrigued by immortality. And while we'll probably never be impervious to death, scientific advances across the 21st century could eventually conquer aging. In other words, we won't be immortal, but our likelihood of death will no longer keep increasing with age.

Such a cure would lead to much longer and healthier lives. As Harvard professor David Sinclair argues in his Lifespan podcast, the degenerative diseases responsible for so much death and suffering today are just symptoms of the underlying disease of aging. Cure the root cause, and you also cure all these destructive symptoms.

The cure for aging is unlikely to arrive in one sudden Eureka moment. Instead, it will be the accumulation of thousands of incremental advances, each helping to reduce and eventually reverse the rate of aging in various parts of the body. And the best place to start is lifestyle design.

This month's post summarizes David Sinclair's lifestyle advice rooted in the latest scientific evidence. His recommendations flow nicely into my obsession with the art of intelligent micro-environment design to make healthy living come naturally. The result is a set of guidelines for enjoyably implementing the so-called "adversity memetics" required to maximize lifespan.

A longevity lifestyle includes a healthy plant-based diet, regular fasting, a good blend of mild and vigorous exercise, frequent exposure to heat and cold, and a healthy sleeping regimen. Yes, all these guidelines sound very familiar, but understanding exactly why they work and how to enjoy implementing them can facilitate that crucial transition from knowing to doing.

Have an HHWPS weekend!


PS: David Sinclair's insights were the latest in a long line of learning that helped raise my self-mastery score to 96% in February. The ideal of being able to do everything right day after day is drawing ever closer!

