The World’s Toughest Challenge Scorecard: February 2022

Self-mastery score: 96%


February was a proper winter month in Norway

It’s time to report on my second month of taking on the World’s Toughest Challenge (WTC): doing everything right, consistently, day after day. You can learn more about this challenge in this introductory post.

February continued the positive trend set at the end of January. My health metrics (red bars) once again led the way, although sleep was a bit lower after I modified the rules to correctly penalize inconsistency in my sleep schedule. Happiness (green bars) and productivity (blue bars) both showed significant improvements, lifting my overall score from 93% in January to 96% in February.

An overview of my performance in February (red = health, green = happiness, blue = productivity)

Let’s take a more detailed look at each category.

Diet — 9.8

About the metric: I score my eating habits every day, subtracting points for junk food or excesses that leave me feeling stuffed.

February showed once more how dependent my eating habits are on a consistent daily routine. As long as I can stick to my routine, perfect eating habits are all but guaranteed, but disruptions to that routine easily get me eating too…

