5 signs you’re exhausted at work (And how you can change that in your favor)

Happy Work Culture
Published in
6 min readNov 21, 2016
Image source : Unsplash.com

Working 9 — 5? Or, working as an entrepreneur and making 48 hours out of 24? It could be your choice, your passion or the need for survival. You work your ass off for 5 days a week and keep dreaming of weekends. But when the weekend actually arrives, you literally get exhausted by the time.

Just hold on, take it lightly, for a day! Let’s do a small exercise, which might take your 10 minutes. This article lists down signs of you feeling exhausted at work and then asks you to pre-think and re-think.

#P-Re-Think-Exercise :

  1. Sign matching : Check out if any of the signs matches with your present situation.
  2. #Pre-think : Connect the dots, which are leading to exhaustion. What actually is bringing you to feel that? What is the reason behind it? Is it in your hand to control your situation or it’s somebody else who has more power on you?
  3. #Re-think : Once, you have found out the reason, let’s re-think to find out the solutions. How can you deal with the present situation? Can you eliminate or divert the reason? Can you take control in your hand? What can be the best and at the present easiest way to change this in your life?

Since you’re spending ideally 40 hours a week or 880 hours a month or 10,560 hours an year on your work, and that occupies your 75% of life-span, why shouldn’t you feel peace?

Now, let’s touch base with 5 signs :

1. Not having “your” time

You might be feeling that you have too many tasks on the plate and although you have been putting efforts but the list doesn’t end and that gives you no space for your learning.

#Pre-think : Is it because you’re not prioritizing things? Or, is it because you agree to all the tasks irrespective of your schedule?

#Re-think : Can it be solved if you start prioritizing things and create a to-do list, so that at the end of the day, you’d feel accomplished as well as have a clarity of how many tasks you can finish in a day? In that way, you’d politely say No to tasks, which aren’t that important to be done by you.

2. Dreading every Monday

Monday blues never goes out of your mind any week. Even on Sunday night itself, you start worrying about the next day hustle.

#Pre-think : Is it because you have pending work of last week that might be asked on Monday?

#Re-think : Are those tasks that important to be taken as the first thing for the day? If so, prioritize and finish off the in the first half. And, if those tasks still need more time at your end, simply update your peer/ boss about it’s status and let them know that you’re still at it. Updating status on work dependencies not only helps everyone to be on the same page but it also helps in releasing your work anxiety.

Read : How can you make Monday = Friday at your work place?

3. You don’t feel you’re progressing

When is the last you remember you had accomplished achievement at work? Met any deadline, figured out a hack, made business profits or any other remarkable individual contribution. No doubt, that same pattern can make anyone dull and because of human nature, we thrive for change.

#Pre-think : Is it because you’ve been doing same thing from last few weeks and there is no change in the goals? Or, because you don’t set up goals and as a result you don’t measure your progress?

#Re-think : Goal setting is important. Not only for business metrics but also for individual efforts. Imagine yourself setting up weekly goals, meeting those goals and then pushing your limits for the next week. With this work app, you can visualize your progress metrics and turn yourself into a smart worker.

4. For the whole week, you keep waiting for Friday evening

This one excites you and makes you plan for the weekends. True, who doesn’t want to have some relaxation time? But waiting for this for the entire week is a red sign.

#Pre-think : Is it because you are not finding work-life balance on your week days? You still receive emails at mid-night or asked about your updates after office-hours?

#Re-think : How about recommending this work app to your boss? It will make your email inbox zero as it enables quick business mobile chat. Also, it asks you to set your status update to reflect the same to everyone. You can simply put your status to : “Out for Tea” or “At Party” or “Having family time”. This will not offend any of your colleagues and will ask them right away to re-think of the time.

5. Not feeling appreciated at work

We urge for compliments, good words, appreciation and recognition for the work, which we do. But if you stop receiving these, you might not feel motivated at work.

#Pre-think : Is it because your boss/ peer/ customer doesn’t know how well have you been doing at work?

#Re-think : Your work doesn’t end where your output comes, you still have to go little farther is making sure that your contribution is visible to the concerned people. By not doing so, either somebody else will take credit on your work or you might be left out and not appreciated. So use this work app, which brings transparency at work at each level in work space and builds a flat hierarchy. With this, you would not need show off, your work will itself fetch attention.

There can be more other reasons for you not feeling motivated at work, and this writing only wants to motivate you to introspect a little and rather than venting out at your colleagues or your closed ones, you can turn this into your favor and change your present.

It’s not about the work, it’s about how you manage the work and how you take control things in our hand. If a simple mobile app can make things easier for you, why should not you try it out?

Download for iOS

And, subscribe here for Android : Vibrant Work App

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Happy Work Culture

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