“My arm!” he looks in shock

Nandu & Co go on a tour to Camp Cramp

Renuka Ghate (ArtistMichi)
3 min readMay 23, 2017


NNandu, in his younger days, used to travel with his friends. On one of his winter trips, he visited Mysore. Mysore is a cool place and in the winter its even cooler (esp. to us southerners). This trip was an overnight trip, Nandu and his friends did some sight-seeing and came back to the lodge they were staying at for the night and started talking and playing cards after dinner.

Nandu had a habit of placing his arm over the chair when holding cards, as the night grew darker, the room became chilled (the room didn’t have any heating as for Mysoreans it was normal, they didn’t think it was cold enough for a heater). Nandu wrapped a shirt around him without removing his hand that was over the chair and continued playing. As it passed midnight, he started dozing off, his hand was still over the chair, sleepily he buttoned his shirt and dozed off right on the chair!

Around 3 at night he half wakes from his slumber, only to realise that one of his arm had gone missing! He tries to get up from his chair, but he can’t! He can’t feel his left arm at all, he tries to move his right hand over his left shoulder trying to see where the arm went and all he found was the empty sleeve of his shirt!

Terrified he starts yelling at his friends that his left arm has disappeared and slowly one by one they wake up. They too try to see what has happened and are shocked to see that his shirt sleeve is empty! They try to get him to move to the bed but even if 2 people tried to lift him, he’s kind of stuck to the chair! Nandu then panicked and began crying that someone stole his arm.

Scared and confused, some of his friends ran down to get the lodge manager for some advice. Then Nandu slowly got the feeling back in his left arm, he realised that as he wrapped and buttoned his shirt before dozing off, he forgot to put his left arm through the sleeve and in that cold night, his hand cramped and he couldn’t feel it!

Realising what had happened, his friends roared with laughter and the panicked manager was annoyed at being woken up at that time, but he couldn’t stay annoyed as he heard the story and went back laughing.

After the trip Nandu & co came back, but his friends never stopped teasing him about this incident for a long, long time.

All illustrations are by me, follow me on Instagram for more!

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Renuka Ghate (ArtistMichi)

An artist and story writer who enjoys writing stories for children