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How HappyFresh tech-product team runs agile product development
Note from the editor

How HappyFresh tech-product team run their agile product development

Go to the profile of Artanto Ishaam
Artanto Ishaam
Professional Scrum Master and Agile Coach. Follow me at http://ishaam.com
Go to the profile of HappyTech
A bunch of geeks trying to rock Southeast Asia online grocery industry
Go to the profile of Life at HappyFresh
Life at HappyFresh
A #FreshlyHandpicked team you want to work with for life. Join us to #ownyourimpact: careers.happyfresh.com
Go to the profile of Robby Cahyadi Hendro Saputro
Go to the profile of Iyay
Father and husband. Design & code for a living
Go to the profile of Khairul Fahmi
Khairul Fahmi
Coding and long distance running
Go to the profile of Juliana Anita Galag
Juliana Anita Galag
Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Yudi Rahono
Go to the profile of Fajar Budiprasetyo
Go to the profile of Ronald Savianto
Go to the profile of Rahadian Fajar
Rahadian Fajar
UI/UX Designer
Go to the profile of S Agung Wijaya
S Agung Wijaya
Bad at math but a software engineer anyway
Go to the profile of Ade Fruandta
Ade Fruandta
ordinary people who want ordinary life
Go to the profile of Renée Klazinga
Renée Klazinga
Sr. UX Researcher at HappyFresh! Understanding who our users are and why they do the things they do is so much my thing!
Go to the profile of Raldes Krisnu
Raldes Krisnu
Fullstack engineer
Go to the profile of Dinda Nuranissa Setiawan
Go to the profile of Riky Lutfi Hamzah
Riky Lutfi Hamzah
Engineering Manager — Reliability & Security at HappyFresh. Writing some thoughts at rilutham.com.
Go to the profile of Rai Indhira
Rai Indhira
Learning Product Management in Southeast Asia’s Leading Online Grocery App, HappyFresh!
Go to the profile of Chandra Singgih Pitoyo
Chandra Singgih Pitoyo
Sustainability, climate change, running, coffee, and the list goes on...
Go to the profile of Norman Hakim