I Lost My Job For A Book Signing

Brian Hallam
Harrogate To Kisumu
3 min readMay 21, 2024
Hatchards in Piccadilly
Photo Credit: Svetoslav Kyosov

I was at work when the phone rang. I answered it, half expecting it to be a customer asking the usual question, “What’s new out this week?” but surprisingly, it was my sister, Jenny. “You need to get down to Hatchards in Piccadilly, pronto!” Why? “Michael Caine is signing copies of his new book!” Jenny replied, very energetically.

I was beside myself with excitement. Michael Caine was (and still is) my idol. To get to meet the man in person and get his book signed! I couldn’t miss out on this opportunity. All I had to do was get one of my colleagues to cover for me for the rest of my shift. Sounds easy enough, right?

I called all my colleagues, and none of them could cover for me. I was starting to panic. Eventually, out of desperation, I called my regional manager. I told him I had an emergency and needed to leave. I’d only be about 90 minutes. I’d just pop a little note on the door saying, “back at 13:15.” My manager said, “No way can you lock up the shop and just leave!” At that point, I said, “I’m going to go anyway,” to which my manager replied, “If you leave the shop, you’re fired!” I blurted out without even thinking, “You can’t fire me, I RESIGN.”

I grabbed the keys, locked up the shop, and posted them through the letterbox. I studied my fold-up tube map to plot my route. A short two-minute ride from Camden Town Underground Station to London Euston and then a four-minute ride to Green Park Underground Station, followed by a short brisk walk. Easy!

Fifteen minutes later I was standing outside Hatchards talking to Jenny, She’d decided to join me. She was wearing a bright red poncho and was looking as excited as I was. Since Michael Caine hadn’t arrived yet, we decided to wait outside and await his arrival. It was pretty cold and had started to rain. Unperturbed by this normal British weather, we huddled close to the outside wall of Hatchards.

Suddenly, a blue Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit pulled up against the curb, out jumped a chauffeur, opened an umbrella, and then the back door. Out jumped Michael Caine, who, under the umbrella, muttered, “Typical London weather.”

We followed him into the bookshop, close enough for people to think we were part of his entourage. This didn’t last for long as he was ushered into a private waiting room not for the general public. We made our way up the magnificent wooden staircase to the second floor (I think), where we purchased our books to be signed and joined in with that great British pastime, queueing.

Finally it was our turn, I had my book signed first. I was completely starstruck. Michael looked at me as he handed my book back to me. I smiled and said, “Thank you.” His gaze moved over to my sister, and with a big smile, he said, “Ah, the lady in red!”

On the tube ride back to Wembley, I still couldn’t believe I’d met Sir Michael Caine! What an experience that was. As I was listening to the monotonous “clickety-clack” of the wheels rolling over the joints of the tracks, I suddenly realised that I was unemployed. Never mind, I thought to myself, at least I’ve got a good book to read.

I was reminded of this story by reading a post by Trish Church, in which she asked What Book Did You Get Entirely Lost In?

Thanks Trish



Brian Hallam
Harrogate To Kisumu

Author in training. Fuelled by coffee and my passion for reading. Proudly British, Love Africa, Hate Selfies.