People of RiteTag: Meet Kyle Wong

Kristin Davis
RiteKit Social Media Optimization
2 min readJun 26, 2016

Android developer and former RiteTag intern, Kyle Wong, shares with Kristin Drysdale (RiteTag Marketing/PR/Community) of his memories and lessons learned during his internship with the RiteTag team — specifically while working closely with RiteTag’s pioneering mobile team. He was one of the original devs to take on building the foundation for our first ever mobile environment, and RiteTag’s CEO Saul Fleischman credits him saying:

Kyle soon enthusiastically took on the toughest of our sub-projects, taking responsibility for the execution of some of the most powerful components of the RiteTag — that our customers will be relying on for years to come.

Key Takeaways

  • Building something that people like to use everyday within their social flow can be extremely rewarding
  • Before diving into developing, do your research and take time to learn what your product is about — “learn what the people want”
  • Passion + effort are absolutely necessary in a startup — what you put in is what you will get out
  • Learn everything you can; enjoy the work and the process; spend time getting to know your team; make friends for life
People of RiteTag: Meet Kyle Wong

If it’s your time to go further with mobile or web development while contributing to the evolution of the premier social media optimization SaaS, apply here and make your mark on the future of RiteTag.

More in this series:

People of RiteTag: José Nieto Presents on What the RiteTag Internship Has Gotten Him

People of RiteTag: Meet Sarabjot Kohli



Kristin Davis
RiteKit Social Media Optimization

Community Dev @RiteKit w/ a strong interest in ethics, impact, semantics, search, and SaaS.