Derive more from Customer Feedback with Hashtag Loyalty

Anshul Jasani
Hashtag Loyalty
Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2019

“The answers you receive are a function of the quality of questions you ask!”

The purpose of Feedback via Hashtag Loyalty has been to help you better understand your customers’ experience and how they perceive your brand.
In our previous update, we mentioned how the Merchant Dashboard was revamped to enable you to derive more from customer feedback you receive.
And we haven’t stopped at that; we stepped back to view Feedback as a whole and decided to fine-tune it from the ground up.

We’ve summarized in this post, the improvements we’ve made to Feedback — right from the creation of forms to the merchant dashboard metrics.

Feedback as a Touch-point

Hashtag Loyalty allows you to choose from Loyalty, Payments (CRM) and Feedback as a touch-point to capture customer data.
• In case of Feedback as a primary touch-point, a browser compatible Progressive Web Application is deployed in-store via a tablet; to collect customer reviews in real-time.
• In case of Loyalty or Payments as a primary touch-point, an engagement feature where a form via Email/SMS is employed; to collect customer reviews post their visit.
However, for the sake of convenience, the Feedback set-up procedure is consistent for both.

Richer Customer Feedback Forms

The feedback forms as they exist allow for a combination of 5 ratings based on CSAT questions and a universal NPS question. This was a limitation for merchants as the questions, their nature and in turn, the customer reviews were confined to the structure of the existing form.
To address this, we decided to expand the feedback form creation capabilities and enable merchants to capture customer sentiments in a manner they seem fit. We’ve added new features to the form as follows:

Step 1: CSAT Questions
• We’ve introduced the flexibility of choosing the number of rating based questions you wish to ask your customers. Create a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 8 as opposed to the mandatory 5 questions.
• We’ve added for you the ability to customize the rating nomenclature. Now capture the customers’ sentiments more accurately by employing hearts, likes, emojis or even custom icons that reflect your brand’s identity.
• Apart from the above, rating based questions are now inherently intelligent; our smart engine detects a poor rating at source and helps you to pinpoint the issue by asking customers a follow-up question, “What went wrong?”

Step 2: Poll & Text Questions
• There are often questions where you might want to limit your customer’s response to specific options; for this, we’ve added the option of poll questions.
These essentially are multiple-choice questions where you can predefine 2 or 4 answers for customers to choose from. Additionally, an optional comments box can be added to understand their choice better.
• We’ve also come across questions where a customer’s response cannot be limited to options or ratings; for such cases, there’s the option of long-form answers via text questions.

Step 3: Customer Information
• We’ve left it to you to determine the customer details you wish to capture. Except for mobile numbers which are mandatory; additional fields ranging from Name, Email Address to DoB can be added or removed as per your discretion. You can now choose to give customers the power over their data, by making information fields you request as optional.

Step 4: Form Customization
• Time and again we’ve spoken about percolating your brand identity across every aspect of your business and feedback forms should be no different.
We’ve introduced the ability to change the form background as per your requirements. Use an image of your store, product or simply your brand colors.
• From past experience, we’ve noticed customers are more likely to provide feedback and further gratified when they’re incentivized and rewarded for the same; to show customers you value their reviews you can give them Bonus Points for their response.
• We’ve also uplifted the aesthetic of the form and you can now choose between default light and dark themes.
• Lastly, customer feedback provided once can be considered to be relevant over a period of time, the frequency of communication can be defined by you as per your business. If a customer has provided their feedback and visits your business multiple times during this timeframe, they will not be prompted to provide their feedback again.

Seamless Customer Experience
• While we made functional improvements to expand the width of customer sentiment you can capture, equal importance was given to the customer experience as well. With clearly indicated steps and progress; it is now easier, quicker and seamless for customers to navigate through the form.
• Lastly, the offline functionality enables customers to complete their feedback without hindrance from poor WiFi or network connectivity.
As mentioned earlier, the alterations are consistent with both: Email/SMS and PWA based feedback.

Holistic Feedback Metrics

Find all you need with respect to your customers’ responses in one location, Feedback, accessible via the main menu on the Merchant Dashboard.
Just as the form creation — the metrics too, have been segmented into Overview, CSAT, NPS, Poll Based and Activity; you can switch easily between these using the navigation bar.

The overview is essentially your Feedback metrics in a nutshell.
It gives you the responses you’ve received over time, overall CSAT and NPS ratings. Understand the performance of your communication in case of feedback as an engagement feature with stats like delivery and response rates.
Gauge in one view the majority experience of customers on a particular day across a week over a month via the Happy Customers Chart (Upcoming); discover patterns or anomalies in the sentiments and address them. Chain owners can view their outlets listed in a leaderboard format as per their NPS or CSAT performance.

• Get a breakdown of your CSAT and view your customers divided into Satisfied, Neutral and Unsatisfied.
• Derive average ratings as per question categories (such as food, service, etc.) as well as questions, also understand the rating breakdown by gauging the customers that constituted to that particular rating.
• Dig deeper and pinpoint issues by analyzing “What went wrong?” responses for negative ratings, consolidated in a listed view.

• Get a breakdown of your NPS and view your customers divided into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
• Derive an average NPS rating and view in a histogram that has a cumulation of each score that constituted to the average.

Poll Based
•Get an answer-wise breakdown of the responses to multiple-choice/ poll questions.
• You can also view individual customer responses to each text-based questions.

• The activity tab allows you to keep track of customer responses in real-time, consolidated in a list.

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Hashtag Loyalty is empowering over 1000 businesses to stay connected, engage with and bring back their customers.

