Introducing a new menu? Ensure a Full House by inviting your Regular and VIP customers for the launch!

Anshul Jasani
Hashtag Loyalty
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2019

The restaurant industry has evolved with time and is reputed to be notoriously competitive. Apart from regular engagement, innovation has been key in keeping customers interested and keen to visit again for an enhanced experience. The restaurant’s menu, has been one of the most frequently customized avenue for innovation.
Say you’ve gone this route as well to keep your customers hooked and guessing; it is essential to note that the launch and its communication are as vital as the changes in the menu itself. You do not want to find yourself worrying about the guest attendance one day prior to your menu introduction. In an ideal situation you’d want customers queueing up at your restaurant for the launch; and who better than your own Regulars and VIPs to keep the house full!
Send a campaign announcing your launch to your loyal customers; and if budgets permit, incentivise them as well!
Here is a template that you can replicate.

When to Send?
Within a week prior to launch.

Whom to Send?
Regular and VIP Customers

Click here to learn how Hashtag Loyalty segments your customers and how you can automate communication with them!

SMS Template
Copy: Hi *FNAME*! Your favourite diner *MNAME* is introducing a special Farm to Table Menu. Enjoy a 15% Loyalty Discount on 20th July at the launch!

Email Template
Subject Line
: Invitation: Farm to Table Menu Launch at *MNAME*

Your favourite diner *MNAME* is happy to introduce a special Farm to Table Menu, curated by none other than the MasterChef himself!

Visit on 20th July and enjoy the freshness of produce meticulously picked and cooked to perfection.
Avail a 15% Loyalty Discount for your continued patronage!

Don’t miss the launch! We’ve got a table reserved for you.


Note: Use *FNAME* to personalise your communication with your customer’s first name.
Replace *MNAME* with your business name.
Replace and customise the mentioned offer with one that suits your business and customers.

Graphic Idea

Example of an Image to attach in your Email

Click here to learn how to send a campaign via Hashtag Loyalty!

Not using Hashtag Loyalty? Click here to get started today!

Hashtag Loyalty is empowering over 1000 businesses to stay connected, engage with and bring back their customers.

