Go to HEA Learning Series
HEA Learning Series
Insights from the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA) — a programme led by UNHCR, designed to generate evidence, build evaluation capacity and guide effective scaling of promising education innovations that support children in emergencies & protracted crises.
Note from the editor

Insights from the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA) — a programme led by UNHCR, designed to generate evidence, build evaluation capacity and guide effective scaling of promising education innovations that support children in emergencies & protracted crises.

Go to the profile of Charlotte Jenner
Charlotte Jenner
Communications Officer for the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA). Interested in storytelling, refugee education and innovation.
Go to the profile of Humanitarian Education Accelerator
Humanitarian Education Accelerator
Education Cannot Wait-funded programme, led by UNHCR, generating evidence, building evaluation capacity and guiding effective scaling of education innovations.