Attachment with Jesus

Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey
4 min readApr 23, 2023

Healing attachment wounds through the power of His presence

Picture by Simon Dewey

Some blogs I write are more difficult than others because they are fresh and still raw. This is one of those articles for me. I have struggled tremendously throughout my healing journey from the effects of deep attachment wounds, but the Lord continues to come alongside me to comfort and heal me of the wounds from my past.

I am making progress, but sometimes those wounds get triggered and knock me on my butt. I wrote last week about how these wounds got triggered in my article “Embrace the Suck — Part 2”. Now I want to share the spiritual lessons the Lord taught me through this situation.

When I was growing up, I was unable to properly attach to my parents for many reasons; however, people would come into my life occasionally, like teachers, church bus captains, or coaches, that would meet a critical need in my life at that time, and I would attach to them rather quickly. But then they would leave, and I would feel abandoned. This cycle happened a lot growing up, hence the deep attachment wounds.

Last week, I spoke about the pattern that follows the triggering of my attachment wounds and how they make me not want to attach or get close to people because I am afraid they will leave me. This week, the Lord showed me something that rocked my world and shifted how I view attachments now.

I realized that when people would come into my life and meet my needs, I would quickly attach to them because I thought they were the source of my needs being met. The Lord showed me this week that this thinking was not true.

This week I got curious about that and started asking questions. What if God was the one that sent them to me to meet my needs? What if that was their assignment from Him, and when they were done with that assignment were given their next assignment? What if instead of seeing them as meeting my needs, I started to look to the God who sent them?

I realized that the Lord is the one that supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). There is no way those people could know the deep needs of my heart…but the Lord did. He knew exactly what and who I needed…and sent them to me to meet that need at just the right time.

I applied this to my therapist this week. Yes, she is meeting a need that I have in the present, but she works for Him, and He can use anyone He chooses to meet my needs and those of His people…even unbelievers.

What if I looked back on all those times when people came and left with gratitude to God for meeting my needs instead of feeling abandoned? God did not abandon me. He’s always been with me and always will be.

This shifted focus healed my attachment wounds. I am really hesitant, at the moment, to fully claim that, but I intuitively believe it to be true. Every time I hear the “Accuser of the Brethren” whispering in my ear to point out all the people that “abandoned” me, the answer that flows off my tongue is now… “they did the job the Lord had for them to do, and He met my need.”

It gives me great confidence to know that the Lord knows what my actual needs are long before I do, and He has all the resources at His disposal to meet my every need. He repeatedly tells us, “Be not afraid, for I am with you.” His presence is all we really need.

He is the one attachment that we need to cultivate. When there is a rupture in our relationship, He doesn’t abandon us. Instead, He draws us back to Himself and allows us to seek His forgiveness which repairs the relationship.

I have struggled with this issue for so long, and I am amazed at the transformation that has already occurred in my life due to changing this long-standing belief. I’ve said it before, but this is the hard work of healing. It is changing those long-held beliefs that keep us stuck. It is so worth the effort.

What about you? Do you know the God that knows you intimately and knows the deep needs of your heart? He desires a relationship with you, but it is your choice.

If you are interested in having a relationship with the One who loves you and will never leave you, I am happy to introduce you to Him. Contact me to schedule your free discovery call.

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Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey

Leader. Advocate. Writer. Speaker. Coach. Mentor. Encourager. Trauma Survivor. My mission is to minimize the effects of trauma survivors in the workplace.