Heavenly HR: When God is Your Ultimate Boss

Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey
4 min readApr 21, 2024

“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

Photo by Gabriel Lamza on Unsplash

I woke up at 3:30 a.m. from a dream that caused a jolt of adrenaline to fire off in my brain and not allow me to get back to sleep. Sleep is a challenge and very precious to many trauma survivors, so I know I am not alone. I am glad that “God Works the Night Shift.”

I was dreaming about a conversation with my boss about my approved Outside Business Activity (OBA) for my Resilient Career Coaching business for trauma survivors. In the dream, she told me that the approval for my OBA had been rescinded and that I could no longer have my own business.

Some of you might be feeling that same hit of adrenaline right now that woke me up and perhaps you are thinking… “they can’t do that.” I want to remind you that this dream has not happened in real life…yet.

In my dream, I had that same reaction. I must admit that my reaction was one of “Oh yeah, watch me”…not very spiritual of me, was it? In my dream, I knew immediately that the Lord was leading me to retire from my company and focus on my business full-time.

What woke me up was my brain working overtime on all the details of how I would figure out how to make a living as a business owner. During times like this, when my brain is racing uncontrollably, I’ve made it my habit to retreat to our guest room for a journaling session with the Lord. His office never closes, and He is always available.

I’ve been displaced a couple of times in my career, and it can bring up all kinds of feelings, like rejection, shame, abandonment, etc. The Lord used those times to teach me a lesson that has tremendously stabilized my soul, and I want to share it with you.

The truth is that if you are a believer, you work for God, Inc. Your offer letter was signed in the blood of Christ. Here is the amazing part…you will NEVER be fired or displaced. You may be given another assignment at another company, but you will always work for God, Inc.

Isn’t that amazing? Realizing that God is ultimately my Boss, He cares for me, and has an individual development plan just for me has stabilized my soul, like nothing else could.

I have met with countless believers after they’ve been displaced or fired to share with them this truth and remind them of who is really in control of their lives. At first, they are usually incredulous that I would “spiritualize” something so painful for them, but when I start to explain it by reminding them of who God is, how much He cares for them, and how He controls everything, it sinks down into their soul, as it did my own soul, and quiets the noise.

What would you think if someone told you…you weren’t fired; you were just given a new assignment? You would think…yeah, right.

Early on in my career, when I was transitioning from being an adolescent substance abuse counselor to working in business (due to burnout), I picked up many of my administrative skills by working as a temp.

I went where the company told me to go, reported to whoever they told me to report to, and did the job that they asked me to do for however long the assignment was, but I ultimately worked for the staffing company.

The concept of working for God, Inc., is really no different from that. God gives you a temporary assignment at a company. You report to whoever He tells you to report to and do the job you were given to do for as long as He deems the assignment to be. Ultimately, you work for God Inc.

All of our assignments are temporary; some may just be longer than others. Our Boss, God, uses the work to develop His workers and strategically places them where He wants them.

The Lord has given me many different assignments within the company I’ve worked for over the past 23 years, but recently there has been a stirring in my soul to move to the next assignment…Cyndi Bennett Consulting LLC and The Resilient Career Academy.

This morning’s journaling session reminded me that I work for God, and as my Boss, He has every right to move me whenever He sees fit. If this dream scenario is how He chooses to initiate that reassignment, then so be it.

I don’t have to find my own assignments. I don’t have to worry about providing for myself or my family because God already does that. All I have to do is focus on doing the best I can in the assignment He has given me and trust Him for the rest.

God, Inc. is an amazing company to work for. You couldn’t have a better Boss anywhere else. He has an open-door policy, and you can ALWAYS get on His calendar to talk to Him about things. He cares about developing you. He is 100% approachable. The pay is sufficient, and the 401H program is out of this world…literally. I can say, without a doubt, that my Boss cares for me and the struggles I face. I have never felt so loved, cared for, appreciated, or felt a sense of genuine belonging than I have felt working for God.

God is my Ultimate Boss, and if you’d like to work for this AWESOME company, they are always hiring. I can introduce you to the Boss Himself.



Cyndi Bennett
My Spiritual Journey

Leader. Advocate. Writer. Speaker. Coach. Mentor. Encourager. Trauma Survivor. My mission is to minimize the effects of trauma survivors in the workplace.