4 Habits that Might Be Damaging Your Hearing Ability

Zunaira Fawad
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2019
hearing ability
Source: Pixabay

All senses are a blessing of nature as they actually make a person practically functional. Hearing however is one of the most important ones. It is the ability which lets people hear each other or in other words the key way of communication. Hearing ability is not only important for personal interactions, it is also essential to have a successful professional life.

Unfortunately, technology and modernism has made us addicted to certain habits and rituals that we have stopped caring for our basic biological functionality. According to ear specialists, there are a lot of common habits which are silently impacting hearing abilities of millions of people around the world.

In this article, we are shedding light on this very issue by listing down four habits that can damage your hearing ability.

1. Smoking

Smoking comes with inhalation of nicotine. As soon as nicotine is absorbed in the blood, it impacts its flow towards the ears. Research has shown that smoking reduces blood flow towards the ear. As a result, the hearing ability gets impacted. Smoking also does the same to people around you, since second hand smoking also leads to traces of nicotine in the body. Smoking thus holds the risk of damaging the hearing abilities of yourself but also your peers.

2. Vaping

Although considered healthier than actual smoking, vapin unfortunately has the same repercussions for hearing abilities as smoking because it also contains nicotine. Vapes sometimes have more nicotine than cigarettes and thus are more damaging.

3. Drinking

Drinking is considered bad for liver and heart. The reality is that its impacts go far beyond just the liver and heart. Drinking has dangerous impacts on cognition as it affects the ability of the brain to interpret sounds. As a result, it not only depreciates hearing abilities of the indulger but also carry the risks of amnesia.

4. Ignoring initial signs

Last but not the least is people’s general habit of ignoring initial signs of issues with hearing ability. Many people completely ignore the initial drops in their hearing abilities because of hesitation of consulting an ear specialist or due to the stigma associated with disability.

If you are indulging in any of the habits mentioned in this article, you should try to quit it if you want to keep a healthy hearing ability intact. People who have already started seeing signs of hearing depreciation should seek help from an ear specialist as soon as possible.

