Go to Hearing Accessibility Project
Hearing Accessibility Project
Hearing and listening better, together.
Note from the editor

Hearing and listening better, together.

Go to the profile of Justin Lai
Justin Lai
Accessibility product manager via UX and public health. Exploring design and access with qual/quant data.
Go to the profile of Sylvie Dobrota
Sylvie Dobrota
Hard of Hearing advocate, Co-founder of the Hearing Accessibility Project.
Go to the profile of Justin Lai
Justin Lai
Accessibility product manager via UX and public health. Exploring design and access with qual/quant data.
Go to the profile of Sylvie Dobrota
Sylvie Dobrota
Hard of Hearing advocate, Co-founder of the Hearing Accessibility Project.
Go to the profile of Matthew Argame
Matthew Argame
Matthew Argame is currently a graduate student at Columbia University, pursuing a Master of Science in Narrative Medicine.