Ghosting is The Hero of Online Dating

It might be an unpopular opinion.

The Wife
Heart Affairs
Published in
6 min readOct 22, 2023


Photo by Esteban López on Unsplash

I live in a city, but our population is small enough for it to be compared to a big country town. This can be weird when you’re active on dating apps. It’s not uncommon to be strolling through the farmer’s market on a Sunday morning, and see someone who looks really familiar. Still, you can’t quite place in the line for fresh strawberries, and before you know it you’re making eye contact as you simultaneously realize it’s actually just someone you’ve matched with on Hinge. Awkward, at best.

So it wasn’t completely wild when I walked into a bar one Friday evening and was approached by a guy saying he knew me from somewhere. He had a few under his belt, so I suppose his social caution radar was a bit off, but I knew immediately where I knew him. We’d matched the previous week, had a few days of messaging, and then I hit unmatch.

I guess you could say I ghosted him. Is it ghosting when it's a week of chat? In any case, I decided to unmatch as he made a sarcastic comment ‘Wow, you actually read my profile, you might just pass the test’, which isn’t really my vibe. It came off, to me, as a bit arrogant and jaded, and, as I’ve written about before, I really think that if you find yourself being openly cynical about the apps then you shouldn’t be on them.



The Wife
Heart Affairs

AKA Evie Gray. Recovering former wife. Fierce, loyal, smarter than you think.