How to Be Lucky in Love (Or Lust)

A practical guide to finding your perfect match.

Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs
Published in
6 min readFeb 10, 2024


Vibrant scene of love, growth, and self-discovery with whimsical elements — How to Be Lucky in Love
I made this image with ChatGPT and DALL-E, — Credit

Ever wondered why Cupid’s Arrow seems to be on a permanent vacation when it comes to your love life?

Well, grab your four-leaf clover and a pinch of salt (to throw over your shoulder, of course) because we’re about to embark on a journey to make you luckier in love (or lust, no judgment here *wink wink*) than a cat with nine lives.

Build a Life That’s a Party (Even If It’s a Party of One)

Let’s be real — nobody wants to join a party that’s more snoozeville than rave.

Crafting an awesome life isn’t about flaunting luxury trips on Instagram or mastering the art of sourdough bread (though, if you can do that, hats off to you).

It’s about creating a life filled with passions, joys, and a little bit of magic that makes others think, “Wow, I want in on that!”

Pursue Your Passions Like They’re Going Out of Style

Remember when you were a kid and chased after what you loved with the ferocity of a toddler after an ice cream truck?

It’s time to channel that energy again.

Whether it’s painting, rock climbing, or becoming a connoisseur of fine wines (aka, learning to love more than just the $5 bottle), diving deep into your passions makes you more interesting, more engaged with life, and, let’s face it, way more attractive.

The first step is to find your passions.

Then, schedule time to experience those passions regularly. If it’s sand volleyball, join a league (or, at the very least, show up for open plays). If it’s learning a language, go in hard on the apps and join a face-to-face meetup.

The hobby doesn’t matter but bonus social points if it’s something interesting like surfing, playing the guitar, or something you can “show off” or teach a potential partner.

The Sexy Art of Self-Awareness

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: knowing yourself is the new black.

It’s timeless, chic, and makes everyone look good. Embracing deep self-awareness means looking in the mirror and honestly facing your flaws (we all have them) and your strengths (you’ve got plenty of those, too).

It’s about knowing what makes you tick, what ticks you off, and owning all of it.

Because authenticity? It’s hotter than a summer in the Sahara.

The Checklist of Dreams (Or How to Know What You Want)

Now, I’m not saying you should create a checklist for your perfect partner that’s as detailed as a NASA launch protocol.

But getting clear on what you truly want in a partner — values, qualities, the way they laugh at your terrible jokes — is crucial. It’s like going to a buffet and knowing whether you want sushi or pizza.

Sure, everything might look good, but what will satisfy your appetite?

Start with coming up with your highest priorities, nonnegotiable, and values that you want in a partner.

This is not about getting your wish list.

Life (and people) aren’t like that. Aim high but also stay grounded in what you want, need, and bring to a relationship. If you’re 90, broke, toothless, and 800 pounds, you probably shouldn’t put “25-year-old supermodel” on your radar.

Be the Person You Want to Date

Ever heard the saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world”?

Well, I propose a new one: “Be the person you want to date.” If you’re looking for someone kind, be kinder. If you’re after someone adventurous, start taking some risks of your own (and no, trying a new flavor of ice cream doesn’t count).

It’s about embodying the traits you find attractive, thus attracting someone who values those same qualities.

People get this wrong all the time.

If you want peace, find a peaceful person. If you’re looking for a traditional partner, make sure that you fit into a traditional role yourself. If you want a fit partner, get fit yourself. If you want someone with money, bring something of equal value to the relationship (and, no, you’re personality probably won’t cut it).

The Magic of Meeting Halfway (Or Why Compromise Isn’t a Dirty Word)

In love and lust, there’s a spell more potent than any love potion you could brew up in your cauldron of desire — compromise.

Now, before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out.

Compromise doesn’t mean losing yourself or giving up on what you want. It’s about creating a dance where both partners lead and follow, a melody that blends two unique tunes into a harmonious symphony.

Sometimes, it's the words that divide us (not the reality).

If you don’t like the term “compromise” then call it “win-win.” The words don’t matter as much as the application in your relationship.

Dancing in the Rain (Together)

Imagine you’re caught in a downpour without an umbrella.

You can either run for cover, getting soaked alone, or you can dance in the rain, laughing and sharing the moment.

That’s what compromise in a relationship is like.

It’s about finding joy in the middle (quite literally if you’re dancing in the rain). It’s learning that sometimes, the best moments come from not getting exactly what you wanted but from finding something beautiful you didn’t even know you needed.

The Give and Take of Love

Compromise is the give and take that breathes life into a relationship.

It’s about giving a little here, taking a little there, and always, always moving towards each other. It’s the secret ingredient that turns “me” and “you” into “us.”

And let’s be honest, isn’t that what we’re all looking for?

Someone who’s not just a lover but a partner in crime, a co-conspirator in this adventure we call life.

Cast Your Net Wide (But Not Too Wide)

In the quest for love or lust, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that casting a wider net will catch you the perfect fish.

But here’s the thing — when you’re fishing for love, quality trumps quantity every time. It’s about casting your net in the right waters, the places where your ideal partner is likely to swim.

Know Your Fishing Grounds

Finding love is a bit like fishing in the vast ocean of life.

You wouldn’t use the same bait for deep-sea fishing as you would for a calm lake. Knowing where to look is half the battle. If you love books, try joining a book club.

Passionate about rock climbing?

Hit the climbing gym. By engaging in activities you love, you’re more likely to meet someone who shares your interests. And shared passions are the kindling that ignites lasting flames.

The Art of Selective Fishing

Once you know where to cast your net, the next step is being selective about what you reel in. It’s not about swiping right on every profile in a 50-mile radius.

It’s about taking the time to get to know someone, to see if they’re the kind of person who can join you in dancing in the rain or if they’re just going to leave you soaked and shivering.

Remember, the goal isn’t to find someone — anyone — but to find the right someone.

The Secret Sauce of Making Your Own Luck

Here’s the thing — when you create a life you love, pursue your passions, embrace who you are, and get clear on what you want, you become like a magnet.

You attract people who are drawn to your energy, your authenticity, and your zest for life.

Every rejection, every missed connection, is just the universe’s way of saying, “Not this one, something better is on the way.” So, keep your head up, and your heart open, and who knows?

Maybe you’ll find that being lucky in love isn’t about luck at all — it’s about becoming a person who loves life so much that love can’t help but find its way to you.

Now, go out there and be the luckiest lover the world has ever seen.

And if all else fails, remember, that chocolate is always your faithful companion.

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Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs

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