How To Know If He’s Into You

Take a look at his feathers.

Heart Affairs
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2021


Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

Now that I’ve entered the wild and a bit wacky world of dating, there’s something I’ve noticed about men.

They tend to talk a lot.

Ask them a question and they’ll go on and on.

Don’t get me wrong. I love when men open up to me. I’m a curious person so I love to ask men questions and to hear their stories. And since I already know everything that’s going on inside my own head, I’d rather hear what’s going on inside their heads. That’s what’s novel about the conversation we’re having.

As I listen to my date talk, there’s something he may do that helps to determine if he’s interested in me. I listen to hear if he’s peacocking or not, and if so, what kind he’s doing.

When a male peacock is walking around and passing time, doing things peacocks do, his feathers will be down. If there’s no one around that he’s interested in, he’ll go about his business without trying to capture anyone's attention.

But when he’s interested in a mate, he’ll spread out his feathers to catch a female’s eyes.

“Notice me,” he’s gesturing.

When a man talks, he’ll do something very similar. If he’s interested, he’ll say or do…



kasey sparks
Heart Affairs

making mistakes · gathering lessons · sparking curiosity · wrangling words & fiddling with titles since 2017