What Does FWB Mean? (The Sexy Term Fully Explained)

Everything you need to know about FWB.

Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs
Published in
7 min readNov 19, 2022


Close-up of an attractive man and woman — What Does FWB Mean? (The Sexy Term Fully Explained)
Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva

If you’ve seen the term FWB thrown around on social media, you might have scratched your head (or beard — I don’t know your facial hair situation).

It’s one of those sneaky abbreviations used in captions, hashtags, and memes galore.

The term might also pop up on dating app profiles or that randy group text from you know who. We all have friends that are “not safe for work.”

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about FWB.

What Does FWB Mean? (Easy Definition)

FWB is an acronym that stands for friends with benefits.

This term is used to describe a situation in which two people engage in a sexual relationship without being in a committed relationship.

It’s sex with no strings attached.

Friends-with-benefits arrangements are usually between two people who are already good friends, which can make them more enjoyable and less complicated than traditional relationships.

In some cases, friends with benefits can also involve people who are not previously acquainted.

These arrangements can be beneficial because they allow people to enjoy the benefits of a sexual relationship without the commitment or drama that often accompanies traditional relationships.

Don’t get me started. 😉

However, it is important to be clear about each person’s expectations and boundaries before embarking on friends with benefits arrangement, as misunderstandings can often lead to hurt feelings.

What Are the Benefits Of Having A FWB Relationship?

The benefits of having an FWB relationship can include increased intimacy, improved communication, an outlet for sexual needs, and more.

One of the key (and overlooked) benefits of having an FWB relationship is that it can help you to develop greater intimacy and vulnerability with another person.

This is because, in this type of relationship, you are able to be fully open and honest with your partner, without having to worry about being judged or criticized.

In short, they are not bogged down with their own emotional expectations.

As a result, you may feel more comfortable expressing yourself and sharing your thoughts and feelings in a way that can help you to develop stronger bonds with one another.

Another benefit of having an FWB relationship is that it provides an outlet for any sexual or other needs that you might have.

You can let your freak flag fly, baby!

This is because you are allowed to unapologetically pursue what you want sexually, without having to worry about hurting your partner’s feelings or making them feel uncomfortable.

And since your partner might also have these same sexual needs (along with some other kinky stuff), they can fully appreciate and support you in this aspect.

Bow chicka bow wow.

A third benefit of having an FWB relationship is that it can help to improve your communication skills with others.

This is because it gives you the chance to practice interacting with another person on a more personal level, without having to worry about your relationship progressing further.

You can learn to be more direct about your sexual needs for example.

All of this is great if you are not looking for something serious or you don’t have time for a relationship.

Perhaps you are about to relocate, graduate, or launch a new business.

No matter the reason, an FWB might be just what you need.

What Are the Risks Of Having A FWB Relationship?

A friend-with-benefits (FWB) relationship can be a great way to enjoy companionship and intimacy without the commitment of a traditional relationship.

However, there are also some risks associated with this type of arrangement.

For example, one common risk is that one person may develop feelings for the other, while the other person remains committed to keeping things casual.

This can lead to heartbreak and feelings of betrayal.

Those dang feelings will get you every time.

Another risk is that both parties may not be on the same page about what they want from the relationship.

One person may be hoping for something more serious, while the other is content with just having fun. This mismatch in expectations can also lead to disappointment and eventual conflict.

Finally, there is always the risk that one or both parties may decide to end things at any time.

This can leave both people feeling upset and rejected.

Overall, there are a few risks associated with having an FWB relationship, but as long as both parties are aware of these risks and are comfortable with them, it can be a great way to enjoy companionship and intimacy.

Here is a good video about why FWBs sometimes don’t work out:

Youtube video by Ana Akana — What Does FWB Mean?

Here’s How To Know If You’re Ready For A FWB Relationship

This type of relationship can work if both parties are clear about their expectations and feel comfortable communicating openly.

If you’re thinking about starting an FWB relationship, here are four things to consider:

  1. Are you able to remain friends if things don’t work out sexually? A key component of a successful FWB relationship is maintaining a strong friendship, even if the sexual aspect of the relationship doesn’t pan out. Make sure you’re able to stay friends before you take things to the next level.
  2. Do you have the same level of physical attraction? It’s important that both partners feel physically attracted to each other; otherwise, the sex won’t be as good. If you’re not sure if you’re all that attracted to your potential FWB, it might be best to wait until you’re more certain.
  3. Do you want the same thing from the relationship? It’s essential that both partners want the same thing from the relationship — otherwise, someone is bound to get butt hurt (in more ways than one). Be honest with yourself and your potential partner about what you’re looking for before getting too emotionally invested.
  4. Can you handle seeing your partner with other people? If you’re not comfortable with the idea of your partner being with other people, then an FWB relationship probably isn’t right for you. Remember that this type of relationship is based on sex, not emotion, so jealousy can quickly ruin things.

If you can answer “yes” to all four of these questions, then you might be ready for a friends-with-benefits relationship.

Just make sure to communicate openly with your partner and set clear boundaries from the get-go to avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

How To Set Ground Rules for Your FWB Relationship

Starting a friend-with-benefits relationship can be exciting and liberating.

However, it’s important to establish ground rules early on to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the arrangement.

First, it’s important to be clear about what each person is looking for from the relationship. Are you both simply looking for someone to hook up with on a casual basis?

Or are you open to the possibility of developing a more emotional connection?

It’s also important to set boundaries in terms of physical intimacy.

What kinds of sexual activities are you both comfortable with? Are there any activities that are off-limits?

Finally, it’s important to be honest about your feelings and expectations.

If either of you begins to develop stronger feelings for the other person, it’s important to have a conversation about it.

By being clear about your intentions and boundaries from the outset, you can help to ensure that your FWB relationship is enjoyable and fulfilling for both parties involved.

If you need a starter template, this one might help you have the FWB conversation:

____(I/We)____ need ____(number)____ ____(hours/days/weeks)____ to ____(verb)____. I need ____(timeframe)____ to myself to ____(verb, activity)____ and I need ____(timeframe 2)____ without _____(roommate, partner, child, animal)_____ to _____(verb 2, activity 2)_____. I am not available at _____(times of day or night)_____. In order to feel my best, I need _____(amount of sleep/food/water per day)_____. When I am upset, I need you to _____(listen/give me space/not take it personally/etc.)_____. The following are things that trigger me: _____(list of things or activities that upset you)_____. Please do not do these things around me: _____(list of behaviors that bother you)_____. Thank you for respecting my needs!

What To Do If Things Start to Get Complicated

First and foremost, always communicate with your partner.

If you start to feel like things are getting too complicated or you’re getting attached, talk to your partner about it.

They may be feeling the same way and you can figure out a way to move forward together.

When things start to get serious, it may be time to reassess whether or not this is the right relationship for you. Ultimately, if things start to get complicated in a friend-with-benefits relationship, the best thing you can do is talk to your partner and be honest.

If you’re not on the same wavelength, it may be time to lovingly and gently move on.

Or ghost them like Casper. Do you, Boo.

Some Key FWB Takeaways

Let’s look at some takeaways:

  • A friend-with-benefits relationship can be a great way to explore your sexual desires and have some fun without getting emotionally involved.
  • There are certain ground rules that should be established at the outset of any FWB relationship in order to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings later on.
  • If things start to get complicated, it’s important to communicate openly with your partner and enforce boundaries.

Final Thoughts

Overall, if you’re looking for a no-strings-attached sexual relationship, a friends-with-benefits arrangement can be a great option.

But be sure to keep an open mind and communicate honestly to ensure that everyone involved is happy and satisfied.

That way, you can enjoy an FWB that can smoothly transition into something more or back to a platonic friendship.

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Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs

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