Go to Heart & Work of Parenting
Heart & Work of Parenting
Drs. Sylvester and Scherer are Psychologists, Authors, and Educators based in Austin, Texas. New Book! Relationship-based Treatment of Children and Their Parents: An integrative guide to neurobiology, attachment, regulation, and discipline (WW Norton).
Note from the editor

Heart & Work of Parenting is written by two Psychologists, Drs. Kathy Scherer and Elizabeth Sylvester, who live and work in the heart of family life. We bring expertise in neurobiology, emotional development, attachment relationships, family therapy, and up-to-date science. If you like what you read, ‘follow’ us to receive our monthly posts. And, check out our website (& book) at relationshipbasedtreatment.com.

Go to the profile of Elizabeth Sylvester, Ph.D
coFounder & EDITOR
Elizabeth Sylvester, Ph.D
Psychologist, Mother, Nurtured Heart Trainer.
Go to the profile of Heart & Work Series
Heart & Work Series
Collaborative Mental Health Blogs: 1) Therapy Matters, and 2) Heart & Work of Parenting
Go to the profile of Kathy Scherer, PhD, MFT
coFounder & EDITOR
Kathy Scherer, PhD, MFT
Psychologist, Educator, Writer, & Parent — Collaborative Blogs at Medium.com/@HeartandWork
Go to the profile of Kathy Scherer, PhD, MFT
coFounder & EDITOR
Kathy Scherer, PhD, MFT
Psychologist, Educator, Writer, & Parent — Collaborative Blogs at Medium.com/@HeartandWork
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Sylvester, Ph.D
coFounder & EDITOR
Elizabeth Sylvester, Ph.D
Psychologist, Mother, Nurtured Heart Trainer.