To Be A Lover

Brent O. Gamueda
Heart Speak
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2023
(image from Tyler Nix —

I’m writing this to be a lover

I am a romantic another

To be a lover is to suffer

Yet I still compose this letter

As I write this to be a lover

To be a lover is a big maybe

A big will this be a reality so

To be a lover is to wander

Through the depths of the ocean

Intercept yet I’m frozen

Calling a fairy is sometimes scary

Anxious and weary of bedtime inquiries

Brawling with blurry queries of stories

Raining heavy near this ferry

I call this fairy and she floats carefree-ly

A fairy blinking like traffic lights, topsy-turvy

Constant battles making me question

A continuous cycle of recast

Not knowing how much longer I can last

Little by little I walk past

Another day to break fast

Shudder and stay to take last

Be a lover, in this day and age of

Every day being another page of

A drama where we play at the stage of

Three terrains that I have saved

Wrote it down on empty pages

Three terrains I wish to be retraced

Under two domes guided by history

Subtly containing conjoint memories

Then one day, I will be a lover

To whom I address to be a lover

I’ll meet you where the land meets the sea

We’re mere sand in a celestial cluster that’s milky

And each second gives me anxiety

Yet I hold on to a hope that ties our fate

Living in the same galaxy

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Thank you very much for reading!

This piece is a bit more personal since a lot of references here are things that only my real-life friends will get. Though, I still thought that it’d be great to share it here on Medium while I try to bounce back from all the stuff I’m going through as of the moment.

If you‘re not into romantic poems like this, maybe you’d like Stubborn Coward Badger.



Brent O. Gamueda
Heart Speak

I'm a college student who wants to use Medium as a way to share my thoughts through writing. I'm open to criticism and feedback!