Channeled Guidance

Why Nature Feels so Right- On Both Sides of the Veil

A Message From My Guide

Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Have you ever wondered what your guides are doing on the other side in between guiding you? I sometimes do, so I asked my spirit guide Rowland what he gets up to.

He told me he plays music and that he loves to go for a wander in the woods. The other side is full of many parks, woods, lakes, and oceans, as well as towns and even cities.

He went on to explain how vital nature is to us on both sides of the veil.

Why nature feels so right

“Everything has a life force within it. When you cross over and return to the other side, you are still alive. Your body is left behind, but the idea that you died, is an impossible one.

Over here, there are just as many reasons to go to nature, spend time, wander in it. It’s safer than it is in life, no worries over wild animals, they’re here but they won’t hurt you.

The life force that it is in things here is more apparent than it is there. Colors are more vibrant, and fragrances are easy to detect.

The sun is warm and clear and the stars dance and shine more brightly. The reason for this is the life force within everything is not…



Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak

Author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive reader. Writing is my passion and purpose. My shop...