
Aadithya Sundararaman
Hearts to Ink
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2024

Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing great. I have been meaning to make a proper return to writing from a very, very long hiatus (all the way back from 2021, to be precise). I kept trying to write short poems from time to time but none of them materialized completely into a story of this level. It would seem like a joke when I introduce myself as someone with a passion for writing and yet my work of any significance would be one which dated back to a couple of years. So, this is more of a leap of faith than it is a tale in verse.

When all hope feels lost, it is the magic of everlasting love that heals your wounds and makes you feel as though you never really lost anything in the first place. This is an ode to that sense of happiness that tugs at you, the intriguing sense of pure joy that makes you move mountains. While the length of the poem might feel a bit stretched out, I promise you it will be totally worth the read. Enjoy!!

Chancing upon you on a lazy summer afternoon

Warm rays peeking from beneath the lush canopy

Distracted by pearls of laughter in between tunes

From the orderly procession, a sense of entropy

I march forward flustered, wanting to break free

Too stunned to move yet not one to break the ranks

Wishing to end this exercise of a rambling degree

Rush to grace the wondrous presence who’d my heart yank

Minutes stretch past painfully by, strain building over

I muse under my breath, oh how did I let myself slide

What was it that made me lose my composure?

Never was I one before to ever not abide

Time rolls by as lazy as it ever could be rolling

Garner thoughts from the workshop down under

Make me question the fabric of reality sprawling

Finally to break free by the Marshall’s thunder

My obligation complete, I sprint past the blocks

Those years of drills coursing me to fruition

I pant between breaths as our eyes finally lock

Strolling towards you with a swagger yet in caution

Life all around me stalling in muted animation

An absolute sense of languorous limitations

Composure felt missing, an off-charted sensation

Losing my grip from the zenith of mine own volition

The perpetuance of this moment keeps gushing

As I come closer to your beholding sight

Memories of days past through my mind, rushing

Of mellow love and the subsequent feeling of spite

My stream of thoughts interrupted all of a sudden

A passing carriage and a sudden onset of movement

Anxious of our meeting by intervention, forbidden

To that very same institution to hold mine lament

Hither and yonder I search again in vain

Losing you yet again, fate dealing yet again

Perhaps but a shadow from my past, a stain

Gloom gnawing at my innards in utter pain

Eyes well up, face flushing to a bloodied red

I collapse within like a house made of straws

The path I stand in that once I swore to not tread

I return to my cohort but give a melancholy pause

“Won’t budge to even greet an old friend will we?”

There she stood, the summer rays gleaming

Past those petite shoulders, my heart breaks free

Yet mum as a cold rock, words leave me failing

There remained a silence, one able to part the seas

Years of fleeting happiness, of angst and regret

Her little pearls of laughter finally bringing me peace

I chime in, as I looked back to the day we first met

Little kids running across the neighborhood

Chasing dainty butterflies, swimming in the streams

Of palaces, of nice cars, of all things oh so good!

We envisioned the future, our future of big dreams

Underneath the yard’s trees we’d lay and talk

Hours together swiftly rolling by

Tick Tock! chimed the big ol’ clock

Merry children into young adults at a blink of an eye

Plying the tightrope across boundless aspirations

Of the loved ones around, and ones of our very own

One grand life to live out under no reservations

Infinite limits, to take in all that man had ever known

Burdened by heightened obligations all about us

Life’s new chapter beckoned to newer paths

Never before trod upon, our journeys ahead thus

Sense a mild divergence, glimpse into the aftermath

Days turned to months as the year almost came to an end

Passing by at breakneck speeds, I could not comprehend

Day of the school ball in hopes with you to spend

Sweating in apprehension in how to ask you, my friend

A mild chance of hope emerged as I approached with a swagger

From childhood friend to forever sweetheart

Newfound confidence no longer seemed to be a wager

Muse of a long beautiful life that now felt thwart

Heart that fell apart at the very instant of the dreadful sight

Your acceptance to the ball tugging at me in spite

Oh how I ran at the mere scene of you hand in hand with yet another

From you, this town and this life till my limbs couldn’t any farther

Years skim through as I take the path of the nation’s defense

Serving my country with pride as well as I hid my pain

Through the battlefield, across jungles dense

A decorated officer with much pomp and no gain

She gently strokes my face with an aching look

Longing that far preceded the years that passed

Fate’s play ever so cruel, twisting the very path took

Simplest case of mistook identities for this separation caused

She played cupid yet lost out on her own love

The irony that is life, one simply can’t profess

Wept as I recollected all that to my actions drove

“Oh how I kept waiting for you” she’d confess

Hands intertwined, our breaths one in sweet harmony

I now ask what for long was my cause of melancholy

Take my hand and dance through this night’s symphony

Chance at redemption, penance to wipe away my folly

Sweetest nectar this instant is, halts to a standstill

My will no longer held prisoner within mine own dwam

Midsummer’s daydream broken, free of the spell

Sharpest bellow of the chief bringing in the storm

I break from the ranks and run past the assembled lines

Echoes of his guttural voice resounding far behind

Was it rain or tears for the woman my heart pines?

Running past the boulevard, of staring faces I do not mind

Perhaps now the woman in someone else’s life

Perhaps not, ever constant ever holding fast

Her own words to decide, until then none to suffice

Wishing to never repeat the blunder in my past

Chest feels heavy and my wheezy breathing not helping much

Vision blurs in and out as I become a spectacular mess

Yonder she is, about to board a cab, about to go out of touch

I scream as I tear through the asphalt, visceral tone of distress

Too far to hear and extremely hurt to care perhaps

Her carriage starts rolling, picking up pace over my strides

With the semblance of what power chose to stay back

Call her name one last time and collapse, running out of tides

Face stinging from the direct impact felt

Even cruciating from the pain far within

Lost focus and gave in to the defeat dealt

Claw out of Tartarus’ gates, this nightmare herein

Sentience returns after what feels like an eternity

Open my eyes to the most ravishing spectacle

Under the rays of the setting sun, a feeling of consanguinity

My head on her lap, her hands brushing away the speckles

Her smile mixed with the melancholy of desires broken

A tight embrace enough for my afflictions to end

The perpetuance of this instant I desire to remain frozen

“Care to go with me for the dance, my dear old friend?”

If you’ve come this far, thank you for reading through this poem fully. I really hope you liked it. If you’re interested in reading more of my content, give this page a follow and I will make sure to come up with more poems soon. Meanwhile, check out my other poem Curse of Atlas if you haven’t already. Cheers!

Images Credits:

Photo by Vlad Alexandru Popa from Pexels:

Photo by Gabriel Bastelli from Pexels:

Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels:

Other images sampled from Google Images



Aadithya Sundararaman
Hearts to Ink

I write as I muse about the randomness of this universe and wonder what is it that makes us who we are