Fetch supports 0x Version 2

Dan Melton
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018

We’re excited to announce that Fetch supports the next big 0x project upgrade and the newest versions of 0x-based exchanges like RadarRelay, Erc dEX, LedgerDex and more!

What is the 0x project?

0x facilitates the exchange of almost any Ethereum-based asset. You can trade tokens like ZRX or the Basic Attention Token or your favorite digital collectible asset, CryptoKitties or Blockchain Cuties. You can convert your Ethereum into StableCoins by buying Dai to hedge your risk. Or you can find, agree and then execute a loan using Dharma.

Why did we upgrade?

We currently support eight decentralized exchanges based on 0x. Each of them are moving their orderbooks and processing to the new standard. We want our users to have access to this liquidity. Plus, the new system has lower network fees and is faster! With the move to 0x version 2, we were able to cut network fees almost in half and speed up the orderbook matching process inside Fetch.

Support for Lending & Borrowing, Derivatives and More

Version 2 of 0x extends the protocol to support more than token trading. With the new upgrade, all types of assets can traded, including loans! By upgrading our platform, Fetch is primed to support lending & borrowing based on Dharma protocols. We’re excited to start working on this product offering in our march to become tomorrow’s blockchain-native bank.

What do Fetch users need to do?

Fetch users will get an in-product nudge from Fetch to upgrade, that’s it! If you haven’t received your beta invite yet, when you do you will be downloading the latest version with 0x v2 support automatically.

Congratulations to the 0x project team, we love the newest version and can’t wait to offer more services based on it.

Want to check out the Fetch implementation of 0x version 2? Join our Beta, we’re inviting new users every week to experience Fetch!

