7 Quotes That Helped Me After Being “Paperclipped” in a Relationship

I had felt used and sad, but now I’m empowered and fulfilled.

Ashley Broadwater
Hello, Love


A white, blonde woman is smiling and holding a smiley face balloon. #smile #happy #smileyface #balloon #happiness
Photo by Ava Motive on Pexels

As Valentine’s Day approaches, I can’t help but think about my Valentine’s a few years ago when a guy I really liked dumped me.

Because I liked him so much and because I felt so desperate for love, I allowed him to “paperclip” me. “Paperclipping” is when someone who ghosted or broke up with you randomly comes back into your life, but only to make themselves feel better by feeding off your attention. The name is based on “Clippy,” Microsoft’s unhelpful and annoying paperclip icon.

At the time, I would talk to him whenever he would talk to me because I wanted to be with him so badly. But once I realized he was using me and that I was worth more, I stopped talking to him. When he wouldn’t leave me alone, I blocked him.

In the wake of that experience and after acknowledging I’d never put up with that behavior again, I’ve felt a lot of emotions. I’ve felt sad for my younger self who dealt with that behavior in hopes of finding love. I’ve felt angry at him for hurting me. And, I’ve also felt empowered and strong in my ability to say “no” and live a happier life. In those high and low moments, quotes have often helped. Below are seven examples and takeaways…



Ashley Broadwater
Hello, Love

Freelance writer on multiple platforms. On Medium: writing tips + relationships. UNC-CH Journalism + Media. Newsletter + more: www.linktr.ee/ashleybroadwater