I am not sure whether she loved me or not

Sammy G
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It’s been quite some time I discovered that my wife was in a secret relationship.

It was more painful because at that time I was dealing with my father’s terminal disease.

Jump cut to today.

We are still together. Our baby boy is grown up to an intelligent 9 years old kid.

But still, inside me something is paining sometime.

There is a doubt that she may not be in love with me.

Photo by Ben Collins on Unsplash

Today, I would really like to open up and share what makes me feel she still have emotion left for me.

And I will also share why I doubt, may be she is not in love with me.

May be I am reading too much between the lines. May be I am doubting too much.

May be the past history of her adultery made me question many things which I would not doubt if everything was fine.

Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

Why I think she loves me ?



Sammy G
Hello, Love

Techie, Golfer, Father. Betrayed by the woman I loved most. Learning about human psychology. Rebuilding my failed marriage.