The 6 Steps to Follow if He Ghosts

Because you just found out that he is not your guy.

Amy Mehta
Hello, Love


It’s exciting when you first start dating someone. You’re working to figure out if the dates could lead to something long-term. As part of that process, you might, at least once, get ‘ghosted’ by someone that you liked and saw potential with.

If you haven’t heard, ghosting is when the person you are dating stops messaging you and is unresponsive to messages or calls. They completely disappear as if they were a ghost.

It has happened to most of us at least once. I am guilty of ghosting men that I no longer saw a connection with. I’ve already written a few times of my less-than-woke standards for finding a partner when I first started dating again after a divorce. I know now how silly this was, and do regret not having the guts to be honest about not feeling a connection.

While being ghosted is quite painful, it’s important not to let it mean more than it actually does.

Here are my thoughts on ghosting.

  1. If a person is willing to stop all contact without warning or logical reasoning, they were definitely NOT the right person for you. Please take it as their issue, and be glad it happened now, and not a year from now. They did not see long-term potential in you as a couple. Or…



Amy Mehta
Hello, Love

Accounting Systems manager. I love a cozy couch and some good reading.