How do creatives spend their free time?

Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2017

Circular is teeming with creatives from all fields. We have writers; we have photographers; painters; illustrators; designers; developers; fashion designers, and many many more. Regardless of the craft we specialise in, or the field we belong to, we share a common trait. In those spare moments when our minds aren’t focussed on our work, we have to find ways to wind down and relax.

(Image via Flickr)

It can, for some, be quite difficult. Alex — who works with Acoustic Live UK and BOXPARKsaid how creating free time is something she struggles with, feeling like she “work[s] seven days a week.”

Considering a lot of creatives get little down-time, we realised that one thing we may all have in common is seeking to make most of the times we can relax. Finding things that can help us wind down, something to inspire us, etc.

Cue the conversation;

How do creatives spend their free time?

Zai: I’ve noticed things have been hectic for me recently and I occasionally experience a fair share of stress. These days I’m always looking for other things to do with the little free time I have and would love to hear more about how everyone relaxes in their off time. It’d be great to see how other people deal with things.

Tashinga: I sleep.

Clevan: [I] catch up on sleep even though I sleep for a max of 4 hours every day 😂

Remi: Looool 😌 Is there a professional way to answer this?

Marnie: Meditate.

Clevan: Travelling, reading and catching up with people.

Denise: Hotel and spa to relax me, I try to go often.

Forhada: Read or meditate or create.

Iffath: Usually catch up sleep or shows, or read.

Eya: 🍃🍃🍃

Forhada: Do something that isn’t in your usual routine.

Esau: I usually go for a quick drive around the city or make music, Zai. [I] also enjoy a nice warm cup of tea and watch a movie.

Tobi: I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently too. I’ve found cleaning quite relaxing, lol, with some nice music playing. I think the main thing is saying no/not feeling obliged to do anything or see anyone and just have a day ‘doing nothing’ (which is still doing something), reading, having a long ass shower, trying to do something that’s not a part of my job, Netflix, tea, talking to mates (preferably on the phone)

Hendrix: I actually have a one hour session in a floatation pod 😁 Still need to book that.

Bree: Tobi, I find cleaning while listening to music very relaxing as well. It makes me feel “brand new” when I wake up the next day…. like I cleaned the stress away. Or I just lie down n listen to music (this usually ends with me reading a novel or watching a movie)

Hendrix: Gotta co-sign the cleaning one! Sometimes decluttering helps an awful lot to regain focus. Clean bedding, re-arranged drawers and cupboards. [I] move books and vinyl around, little things too. All [of] that.

John: I don’t actually remember the last time I relaxed. My relaxation is spliced into my day; give myself an hour or so just digesting something else. Music, light reading, watching YouTube videos, etc. But, always something I can learn from and therefore use to create.

Farida: I go on walks to the top of this hill really early in the morning or late at night, I live in the country side so it’s eerily quite then + you can see the closest city, especially at night when the lights are all on. Reminds me how small problems are in the grand scheme of things.

Faisal: Relax in off time? I don’t. I’m always working, because my work is relaxing.

Chima: I book a hotel for the weekend, nothing fancy and seclude lol I find I’m really ever completely relaxed on my own with a classical playlist.

So, how does it go for you? Do you find you have a decent amount of free time to relax, and if so how do you spend it? Let us know as a response below or over on Twitter 👌🏼

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