HelpHandles™ 2016: A Year in Perspective

Dean McCann
HelpHandles™ Insight Series
3 min readDec 17, 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, and we start to look forward to 2017, we thought we’d press pause for just a few moments and take a retrospective look back over the past twelve months.

Thank you for being part of our story.

Davy Kestens invites us to San Francisco, to meet the Sparkcentral Team


We had breakfast with Bertrand Schmitt, CEO of App Annie

mmmmmm breakfast

August 2016

We benchmarked the performance of the top US wireless providers in Insight Series №4

John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile US shares our fourth Insight Series on his Facebook page

Customers ALWAYS come first!!

Right on John!

Callie Field, SVP of Customer Care, T-Mobile US shares our fourth Insight Series on Twitter

T-Force is #FamousforCare

T-Force is #FamousforCare

October 2016

Paolo Fabrizio invites us for a chat in our very first Podcast interview

We decide to put our name out to the jury

It was close!

November 2016

We collaborated with the fabulous @LinkedInHelp Team in our first ‘Meet the Team’ for Insight Series №7

December 2016

We finished up the year working with the fantastic @HelpMeGumtree Team on Insight Series №8

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Dean and the HelpHandles Team!

A massive thank you to everyone we have worked with this year and to all those who have posted a review, reached out to us, lent us their ear, shared our insight and offered us their feedback and support, it’s been an amazing journey.

We look forward to working with you and more in 2017!



Dean McCann
HelpHandles™ Insight Series

Democratizing access to social customer service data and insight. Founder of HelpHandles™