Daily【2/25 thru 3/1/24】Blogs

Saturday Morning Post ➖ 9TH Recap ➖ 2024 ➖

Toni The Talker
Help Is Here


Image in Canva Pro

Sunday »【Comfort Is…】« 2/25

A poem and thoughts on mental health.

Monday » 【My BDay Girl B-Great 】« 2/26

After giving up hope of becoming a mother, my daughter’s arrival was an unexpected gift.

Tuesday with Toni »【Who’s The Boss】« 2/27

Be the EIC “Editor In Chief’ of Your Life Story. Always stay in control of your narrative. Real Talk: “Who” you authentically are ➖at some point ➖ will always be misunderstood.

Wednesday »【Tonal Vision】« 2/28

When it comes to words… Color has a language of its own.

Thursday »【Rising Strong 】« 2/29

Leap forward by first identifying what you fear the most. Get it out of your head and on the page so you see it in writing.

WordArt in Canva Pro

Kick-Off: 30-Day Gratitude Challenge in short-form posts

Friday »【Dare To Dream】« 3/1

Your story is the source of your power. Explore the life that exists in your imagination. Is it a fairytale? Or a dream waiting to come true.

Toni the Teacher 🆘‿.*➴ Sista ‿ Offering ‿.*➴Support❣️

INKubator: Artist In Residence. Piloting the Inaugural “Think Tank” Cohort. University of St. Francis. Joliet, IL/USA. Center for Innovation.



Toni The Talker
Help Is Here

📢 Better 𝓷𝓸𝓽 Bitter ➖ Walking My Talk💬 Making the Rest of My Life the Best of My Life❣️