FVS 41: Will You Choose Alive Time or Dead Time?

Henry Mascot
Henry IfeanyiChukwu Mascot
5 min readJun 20, 2019

Here is your weekly For Value Sake, contributing value to your growth.

A weekly post, it contains a few articles, a book recommendation and a TED talk.

These are the most impressionable resources I consumed during the week, and share them so you can reap some value as I did.

A Quote Worth Thinking About

“If two equally difficult paths, choose the one more painful in the short term (pain avoidance is creating an illusion of equality).” — Naval

+ Read past editions of For Value Sake: 40, 39, and All,


personal development

I. Will You Choose Alive Time or Dead Time?

+”…there are two types of time: alive time and dead time”

+”One is when you sit around, when you wait until things happen to you”

+”The other is when you are in control, when you make every second count, when you are learning and improving and growing.”
+”So many people are busy thinking about the future that they miss the opportunities right in front of them”

+”Open your eyes. Open your ears. Open your mind.”

+ “Resist the temptation to let silly politics or wanderlust distract you”
+”…Only hunger and determination will.”

+ “Vivre sans temps mort (live without wasted time)”

tbh we talk more than we do.
We complain, and whine and give excuses.
For every disadvantage or misfortune, there is an optimistic perspective that spurs you into action.
We have to fundamentally become people who grow, no matter where we are and what is happening to us.
We have to overcome the victim mindset, be more mindful of our time.
Quit social media, quit having a conversation that is not going anywhere with people who are not adding anything.
Choose Alive Time.
Read a book,
Listen to a Message/talk/interview,
Network with people who are focused on their craft.
Stop “zombieng” through life.
Be Alive!

Read Now

wealth development

II. What If You Put As Much Effort Into Your Finances As You Put In Your Job

+”… your emotions deserve a healthy level of scepticism”

+”What’s worse than making an imperfect decision? Making no decision.”

+ “Taking money worries off the table is a HUGE win for your happiness”

+ “you should think like a company that gets revenue up, costs down and uses the profits to invest in the future and reward the shareholders (that’s you).”

I am passionate about my personal development and that of the people around me.
So typically I’m always talking to friends about personal development and all.
Talking to them about accountability and getting things done.
From time to time, I hear things like
“I’m too busy…”
Too busy to read
Too busy to slow down and think
Too busy to anything apart from work.
Too busy working to make another man wealthy…

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relationship dev.

III. How To Make A Relationship Last

+ “… saying something isn’t a solution to any problem.”

Relationships are hard.
Our partners have very different life perspectives than we do.
First of all, being aware of this is step number one.
The reason divorce rates in America is almost over 50% for first-time marriages is because
people think its fun.
No, it’s not!
It has fun, but it’s not fun!
fun is a component of the full picture.
The full picture has things like pain, frustration, anxiety, ego, etc.
but it also has things like… happiness, joy, loyalty, care, compassion etc.
It is worth it, but it is hard.
Know this.

Kris wrote a great piece on how to navigate the “hard”.

Read Now(Open InCognito/Browser PrivateMode)


IV. Facebook Announces Crypto-currency

I’ve been following up on this news, ever since they announced it two days ago.
I believe this has the potential to change the world!
There was a lot of hope and expectation when bitcoin started becoming mainstream, but it ended being more of a store of value than a means of exchange.
The hope for a truly global currency was defeated.
But if Facebook and their twenty-something partners achieve this.
They will kill banks.
Welcome to the beginning of a truly digital currency age and the un-banking of banks

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V. Don’t Let Your Own Financial Success Become a Crutch for Your Kids

Parents tend to want to protect their kids.
This protection can cause them harm.
It can cause them not to become as strong and robust as their parents.
Sometimes obstacles and hardship are required to create a fully rounded and mature human being.

Read Now


+ There’s more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith
Today’s video is not a TED Talk.

But an episode of Red Table Talk.

Jay Shetty, a life coach I respect so much shares his perspectives on love along with Jada and her mum and daughter.

I enjoyed it, I learnt from it.

Hope you will too.

Watch Now


+ Ego is the Enemy | Ryan Holiday

In an era that glorifies social media, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion, the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts.

Armed with the lessons in this book, as Holiday writes, “you will be less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness, and as a result, you will be liberated to accomplish the world-changing work you’ve set out to achieve.”

Get a copy of all the books I’ve read and shared on FVS here.

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