FVS 42: Veto Power: Crush Your Temptations

Henry Mascot
Henry IfeanyiChukwu Mascot
4 min readJul 2, 2019

Here is your weekly For Value Sake, contributing value to your growth.

A weekly post, it contains a few articles, a book recommendation and a TED talk.

These are the most impressionable resources I consumed during the week, and share them so you can reap some value as I did.

A Quote Worth Thinking About

“It can ruin your life only if it ruins your character.

+ Read past editions of For Value Sake: 41, 40, and All,


personal development

I. Veto Power: Crush Your Temptations

+”Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom — Viktor E. Frankl”

+”To inhibit distractions you need to be aware of your thoughts and internal mental processes.”

I’m not sure how practical this advice is but we all have certain bad habits we want to break.
This piece offers an idea on how to recognize the moment before you do an action you have deemed unhealthy to your way of life and how to stop yourself from doing it.
I certainly need this “veto power”.
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wealth development

II. Discussing the Escape plan with your significant other

+ “You see my wife would never agree to cut our spending and pursuing financial independence…”

+ “I advise putting financial independence (FI) on the table as early as possible in your relationship”

+ “We should always start by improving the things we can control: ourselves.”

Still on the matter of financial independence (FI) which is fundamentally getting yourself to a place where you are not working for money but money comes to you.

This piece shares a few ideas on how to manage this goal with your partner.
The biggest obstacle to a fundamental change in our way of life are the people closest to us, our partner, family, friends.
On the journey to FI, you have to make sure you are with someone who buys in.
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relationship dev.

III. Are we talking the same language? Communication styles.

+ “A communication style (also known as conversational style) is the way in which we share information with others through language.”

+ “Do you speak up readily when you hear something you disagree with, or do you prefer to listen to all sides and either remain quiet or speak up only if the conversation is going in a direction that you can’t live with”

+ “When you need something done, there are two basic ways you can communicate that need: directly or indirectly.”

From experience, I know this can be a drag on relationships.
Understanding how your partner communicates and learning to work with it and not ignorantly imposing your style on then is a must-have skill if the relationship is important to you.
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IV. Can African Tech startups succeed in a world dominated by Facebook and Google

As a tech entrepreneur I am conversant with the happenings in the tech community globally.
We see big tech firms launching products daily.
In the competition slide I did for my investor pitch deck 2 years ago, Google was my competitor and I work in health IT.
These unicorns are after world domination.
It’s capitalism, I don’t blame them.
This piece explores how local companies can build a company that is defensive in the face of global giants.
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V. Parenting Books Should Improve

+”The trial-and-error route is realistic and it’s custom-made. The experts are trying to squeeze parenting into a rigid plan for the masses, but there’s something to be said for just making it up as you go.”

There is no one-size fits it all formula for life, same can be said for parenting.
There are best practices but no formula, you have to experiment and learn what works for your kids.
What works for one of your kids might not even work for another.
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+ Fake Videos of Real People | Supasorn Suwajanakorn

Shows how fake videos are made.


Imagine a totally fake video of you saying something you wouldn’t say.

Watch Now


+ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love | Richard & Kristine Carlson

Some times relationships struggle not because there is a valley of value difference between the founders but because of small issues that they don’t manage well.

Like the bible says: “Little foxes that spoil the vine”

Richard and Kristine shares from their experiences the little things and strategies on how to manage them so they don’t spoil what we’ve built or building.

Get a copy of all the books I’ve read and shared on FVS here.

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