Reason to hope

Marjorie Newman-Williams
Her Future
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2018

Around the globe, women and girls face daunting obstacles that prevent them from realizing their dreams. Many are forced to drop out of school, get married too young and have children before they’re ready. The result of these circumstances is a bleak future.

Marjorie Newman-Williams chats with clients John and Llnly in Malawi

But there are many reasons to hope and great potential for change — and I believe in the power of our mission and the success of our work to bring it about.

It’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Marjorie Newman-Williams, and I’ve recently relocated to Washington, DC from Marie Stopes International’s (MSI) headquarters in London to become the President of MSI-US.

Previously, I led MSI’s international operations, and I’m excited to bring my experience on the frontlines of our work to this new assignment.

Our teams work in 37 countries, and they have succeeded in reaching millions of women and girls with contraception and safe abortion care. Their stories remind me that there are so many reasons to continue and expand our efforts.

At MSI, we help women like Hinda, who became an advocate for family planning in her community in Niger after seeing the difference contraception made in her life; Fanirisoa, whose budding young relationship won’t stop her from graduating high school in Madagascar; and Muni, who provides Ghanaian women with family planning services her sister didn’t have access to. I encourage you to read their stories.

In the face of geographical barriers, financial strain and stigma, our clients do all they can to access our services and change their futures — and so do we. As I take on this new role at MSI-US, I’m eager to share with our US supporters just how courageous and determined our clients and providers are.

MSI works tirelessly to reach all women who need us — no matter what.

We strive every day to match the bravery and grit we see in our clients. That’s why we advocate for policy change and we drive, trek and sail to remote communities to provide contraception and safe abortion services. MSI works tirelessly to reach all women who need us — no matter what.

Our presence in the US gives individuals and organizations a unique opportunity to join us in that pursuit.

Supporters and donors like you make it possible for MSI to deliver on our promise to women — wherever they are and whatever resources they have — to give them choice: choice over which contraceptive method to use, choice over if and when they have children and ultimately, choice over how they live their lives. Please know that you make our success possible.

Thank you for your commitment to reproductive choice. Let’s get to work!

Need more reasons to hope? Watch Deborah's Story.



Marjorie Newman-Williams
Her Future

President, MSI-US; VP and Director of External Affairs, Marie Stopes International