Top Culture and Business Etiquettes in Italy

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
5 min readJul 3, 2023
Business District in Milan, Italy (Photo by querbeet on Getty Images)


Welcome to the fascinating world of Italian business culture, where passion, style, and deep-rooted traditions intertwine with modern professionalism. Italy — renowned for its rich history, captivating art, and mouthwatering cuisine — offers a distinctive business landscape that combines formality with warmth.

To thrive in the Italian business environment, it’s essential to understand the nuances of Italian etiquette and business practices. In this article, I’ll be your friendly guide to explore everything from Italian communication style to networking customs. So let’s get started!

Communication Style

Italians are known for their animated and expressive communication style.

  • Conversations often involve gestures, facial expressions, and a melodic flow of words.
  • Be prepared for lively discussions where emotions are readily expressed.
  • Maintain eye contact and engage actively in the conversation, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm.
  • My tip — relax and embrace the art of conversation and let your personality shine through.

Professional Appearance

In Italy, appearances matter. Italians take pride in their personal presentation, so dressing well is very important.

  • Opt for stylish, well-fitted clothing that reflects professionalism and attention to detail.
  • For business meetings, a classic, dark-colored tailored suit is a safe choice for men, while women should opt for elegant attire such as a skirt or pants suit that is modest and sophisticated. Women should also keep their makeup and jewelry to a sophisticated minimum.
  • Pay attention to grooming, as a well-groomed appearance reflects respect for yourself and others.

Business Meetings

Italian business meetings often combine formality with a personal touch.

  • Punctuality is valued, so arriving on time is essential. However, it’s not uncommon for meetings to start a few minutes late, as Italians prioritize building relationships.
  • Small talk at the beginning of the meeting, such as discussing family or personal interests, helps establish rapport before moving on to business matters.
  • It’s always a good idea to exchange business cards after a formal introduction. Take a moment to examine the card before putting it away, it’s a great way to remember the name and other details.
  • Agendas at meetings are more like gentle suggestions than strict roadmaps. Sometimes the attendees digress and go back to topics that you thought were already settled, or jump ahead to new details that haven’t even been mentioned yet. It’s all part of the Italian style of doing business!
  • You can expect animated meetings with many conversations that frequently stray from the topic at hand. Staying patient in such settings is key, and don’t hesitate to interject to make yourself heard. Trust me, Italians won’t see it as offensive or rude!
  • You could try to steer clear of the aforementioned distractions (this might not always work!) by taking a seat beside the individual you want to do business with and when the time is right, pitch your proposition directly to them.
  • Always, always maintain a professional demeanor while engaging in the lively and animated discussion you will most certainly encounter at meetings.


  • Meetings usually serve the purpose of exchanging ideas, hashing out details, and hearing everyone’s perspective, and decisions aren’t always made during the meeting itself.
  • Negotiations may take a long time — so don’t be surprised.
  • Using high-pressure tactics to reach a decision will NOT work with Italians — so don’t do it!
  • It’s always better to persuade an Italian based on your personal relationship with them.


Networking in Italy is an art form in itself!

  • Professional Italians value personal connections and appreciate the time invested in getting to know one another.
  • Social gatherings, such as lunches or dinners, are excellent opportunities to network and build relationships.
  • Show genuine interest in others, listen actively, and engage in conversations beyond business matters.
  • Italy is a relationship-oriented country so be prepared to entertain many questions about your personal life and family. Be talkative, genuine, and transparent! And make sure you reciprocate with the same type of questions in order to get to know your counterpart.
  • Demonstrating your knowledge and appreciation of Italian culture, art, and cuisine will make a positive impression.
  • I can’t emphasize enough how important networking is in Italy. It is not done idly because the personal contacts you make are crucial to your success.

Business Dining

Italian cuisine is renowned worldwide, and business meals in Italy offer a delightful blend of gastronomy and relationship-building.

  • When invited to a business meal, be prepared to savor the flavors of Italian cuisine while engaging in a multitude of discussions.
  • Follow the lead of your host and never sit down or start eating or drinking before they do. The host will typically say “Buon appetito”, which contextually means “enjoy your meal”, to indicate it is time to begin eating.
  • Table manners are important, so familiarize yourself with basic Italian dining etiquette: not putting your hands in your lap, stretching out your arms, putting your elbows on the table, talking with food in your mouth, burping, or leaving the table before everyone has finished their meal.
  • Don’t chow down on the bread in the basket! Use it for mopping up the delicious juices on your plate at the end of your meal.
  • Leaving a small amount of food on your plate is viewed as being a more refined person!
  • Express your appreciation for the food and the company, as meals provide an opportunity to deepen relationships.
  • Tip: Take the time to learn a little about the food you will encounter in Italy, such as Italian breakfast dishes, Italian seafood dishes, Italian meat dishes, Italian vegetarian dishes, and their amazing Italian desserts and sweets. You might like to read up on Italian alcoholic drinks and Italian non-alcoholic drinks too!

Six Practical Tips for Success

1. Communication: Be prepared to engage in animated conversations and genuinely express your emotions openly.

2. Attire: Dress professionally and pay attention to grooming to demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

3. Patience: Be patient during business meetings as conversations often digress from the topics at hand.

4. Persuasion: Persuade Italian contacts based on your personal relationship with them, rather than using high-pressure tactics.

5. Networking: Take the time to build relationships and show your appreciation for Italian culture, art, and cuisine. Networking is essential for success in Italy!

6. Dining: Familiarize yourself with Italian dining etiquette and always follow the lead of your host. Express appreciation for the food and company during meals.


I hope this article has given you an insight into the culture and business etiquette in Italy. Remember, Italians cherish personal connections, lively conversations, and a refined approach to presentation. Incorporating these insights into your interactions will not only enhance your professional relationships but also deepen your appreciation for the remarkable fusion of tradition and modernity that characterizes Italy.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of Italian cultural and business etiquette tips. So if you have any great points to add, just include them in your comments!

Buona fortuna! (Good luck!)



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