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Project Heuristics
A colorful mixbag
Note from the editor

A colorful mixbag

Go to the profile of KravMazov
Ah the sweet tranquility!
Go to the profile of Pipe Runner
Pipe Runner
Software Engineer at Postman | “Coder by profession, Artist by passion” | Stopped writing on Medium and moved to https://piperunner.in/blog
Go to the profile of Pipe Runner
Pipe Runner
Software Engineer at Postman | “Coder by profession, Artist by passion” | Stopped writing on Medium and moved to https://piperunner.in/blog
Go to the profile of KravMazov
Ah the sweet tranquility!
Go to the profile of Champion Runner
Champion Runner
A Techno Utopian who’s a hobby is thinking and analyzing the Nature| AI at @deeplearningai_ Declarative, efficient, and flexible | Programmer in Alpha
Go to the profile of Prithviraj Patil
Go to the profile of Uddeshya Singh
Uddeshya Singh
Software Engineer @Gojek | GSoC’19 @fossasia | Loves distributed systems, football, anime and good coffee. Writes sometimes, reads all the time.
Go to the profile of shelly
Go to the profile of robinjabraham
Jack of all trades, quizzard, rail fan, TV addict, INTJ, Co-Founder at Drizzlin...temp. located in Mumbai
Go to the profile of XTREMIS
Go to the profile of Anukriti
Go to the profile of Anshika Sharma
Anshika Sharma
cigarette butts in a plastic wrapper, this