6 Tips for an Effective Onboarding — Part 2

Jakub Szczepaniak
HeyJobs Tech
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2024

In the previous segment of our series, we explored the importance of crafting a strategic onboarding process for new joiners in the technology department at HeyJobs. We discussed how tasks such as bug fixes can serve as stepping stones for newcomers to acclimate to our coding standards, review processes, and practices. These initial tasks not only aid in familiarizing them with the code base but also instill in them the confidence to contribute from their first week. However, our journey of empowering new joiners does not end there. In this next part of the series, we delve deeper into the advanced strategies we employ, designed to nurture continuous learning, growth, and a sense of belonging among our technology teams.

Tip 4: Pair Programming and Mentorship

Incorporating pair programming and mentorship into the onboarding process for new software engineers, particularly junior developers, can significantly enhance their learning experience and integration into the team. Pair programming, a practice where two programmers work together on a problem at one workstation, is not just a method to write code but a powerful tool for knowledge transfer, skill development, and team building.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

For junior engineers, pair programming offers an immersive learning experience. Working alongside more experienced colleagues allows them to observe problem-solving techniques, coding practices, and strategies for debugging in real time. Such exposure is invaluable as it goes beyond technical knowledge and provides practical insight into how complex problems are approached and solved in a professional setting. It also helps in understanding the nuances of the project and the organization’s coding standards and best practices.

Moreover, pair programming provides immediate guidance and feedback. New joiners can learn from the instant feedback provided by the pair, which accelerates their learning curve. This interactive learning environment is crucial to quickly gain confidence in the new areas of the code base.

Pairing new engineers with established members of the team for mentorship is another strategy for effective onboarding. Senior engineers, with their wealth of experience and knowledge, serve as mentors and guides. They can offer insights not just on technical aspects but also on navigating the company culture, understanding team dynamics, and managing their career growth.

Through these interactions, new engineers develop a sense of belonging and become integrated into the team more quickly. They are more likely to feel comfortable, valued, and motivated, which not only enhances their individual performance but also contributes positively to the team dynamics.

In conclusion, integrating both pair programming and mentorship into the onboarding process is a no-brainer, as it offers a myriad of benefits. We employ both practices from day one of the onboarding — new engineers get their ‘onboarding buddy’ — well-established engineer into the team who serves as a guide through the company culture. The pair programming is a daily practice for our team, even after the onboarding process, so getting familiar with it early on is a crucial practice to working together as a team.

Tip 5: Show the Bigger Picture

One of the key elements in the onboarding process of software engineers is helping them understand the broader context and overarching goals of their projects. This approach, often referred to as showing the ‘bigger picture,’ is crucial in ensuring that new engineers grasp not only the technical aspects of their work but also its purpose and impact.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Understanding the overall vision and purpose of the projects helps new engineers to see beyond the code. It connects their day-to-day tasks to the larger objectives of the organization, fostering the engagement and the sense of purpose. When engineers comprehend the end goals, they can make more informed decisions, prioritize effectively, and contribute more effectively to problem-solving.

This understanding is particularly important for tech organizations like HeyJobs, where projects can be complex and multifaceted. Knowing the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ empowers engineers to align their work with the company’s strategic goals and customer needs. Such alignment not only enhances the quality and relevance of their contributions but also deepens the commitment to the organization’s mission.

Tip 6: Celebrate the Early Wins

An internal part of the onboarding process for the new software engineers is the recognition and celebration of their early achievements. Acknowledging the first successes of a new team member serves not only as a morale booster but also plays a crucial role in building their confidence and fostering the sense of belonging within the team.

The early stages of the work can be challenging, especially in fields as complex as software development. New engineers often face a steep learning curve and a pressure to prove their capabilities. In this context celebrating their initial successes, no matter how small, can have a profound impact. It validates their efforts, reinforces positive behavior, and acknowledges their contribution to the team.

Photo by Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash

Recognizing these early wins is also an effective way to build confidence. It helps new engineers overcome impostor syndrome and other insecurities commonly associated with new environments. This boost in confidence is not only about personal feelings — it directly translates into better performance, increased willingness to take on challenges, and more active participation in team activities.

These celebrations can take on different forms, from public acknowledgments in team meetings to informal team gatherings or even just a congratulations message on the company’s Slack channel. The key is to make these recognitions timely and genuine, reflecting the company’s appreciation of the new hire’s contributions.


In summary, the onboarding process for new software engineers is a critical phase that sets the tone for their future at the organization. It is not just about equipping them with the necessary tools and information but also about integrating them into company culture and team dynamics. The key tips described in this article are an industry standard when it comes to onboarding; it is important however to tailor the key strategy to the organization structure and workflow. An additional caveat is that these strategies evolve together with company maturity and growth so you need to be constantly evaluating and improving these practices.

We at HeyJobs are using the above with great success.

Are there any tips that you would like to share in the comments section below?

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