Autoforwarding email to Highrise for Everyone!

Nathan Kontny
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2016

A huge priority we have here at Highrise is removing steps and friction you have in getting things accomplished.

You have a “dropbox address” which makes it easy to manually forward your email into Highrise, but that’s still too many steps if you get as much email as we do.

So today we announce that you can autoforward your email from Exchange, Outlook 365, and pretty much any email server or provider that supports autoforwarding. We’ve had Gmail support for this for awhile now, but today we open it up to everyone.

You can now use your regular dropbox address with ‘+fw’ to start forwarding in emails from your email provider.

Read more about how to get it setup: here.

You can also take advantage of our dropbox rules to help customize what you send. Use ‘+private’ to make emails private to you by default and ‘+contactsonly’ to only forward emails from contacts already in Highrise.

Our team uses this combined with our Group Inbox feature to process all the email we get: customer support, job applications, even our own individual mail.

We think this is going to be a big win for everyone using Highrise who weren’t able to take advantage of autoforwarding until now!



Nathan Kontny

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft ( Watch: Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO