Go to Highwire Earth
Highwire Earth
Insights from Princeton University on How to Balance Human Development and Sustainability
Note from the editor

Welcome to Highwire Earth! This publication has the aim of fostering an active interdisciplinary conversation on topics related to sustainable development, stemming from the research and general expertise of the Princeton University community. While Highwire Earth is affiliated with Princeton University, the views and opinions herein presented belong to the individual writers, and are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Board or the University. For more information and if you are interested in contributing, please visit our website (highwire.princeton.edu) or send us an email at highwire@princeton.edu. Finally, the comments associated with each article will be moderated using a basic civility criterion, and it will be the choice of the individual writers to respond.

Go to the profile of Julio E. Herrera Estrada
Julio E. Herrera Estrada
Climate risks, sustainability, remote sensing. Former scientist @DescartesLabs & @Stanford, @Princeton PhD, @Columbia BS. My own views. Mexican.
Go to the profile of Matt Grobis
Matt Grobis
Go to the profile of Arvind P. Ravikumar
Assistant Editor
Arvind P. Ravikumar
Scientist at Stanford University studying sustainable energy, natural gas infrastructure and environmental policy.
Go to the profile of Jane Smyth
Jane Smyth