AI Skepticism Limits Discourse

Experiments With #ChatGPT On High Strangeness Knowledge

I have been asking a lot of questions lately and responses are frequently quite skeptical. Another reason we need scientific establishment validation for many things they choose to ignore, like all of the evidence that doesn’t fit the hard scientific method. That framework is limited to phenomena that are observable by the five primary senses, predictable, repeatable, etc. We will not move forward in these conversations unless we include evidence and data beyond limitations.

Here are some samples from my recent conversations with ChatGPT.
[Full Archive in .zip file here]

‘what is the extraterrestrial hypothesis?’

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) is a proposed explanation for unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related phenomena suggesting that some of these objects are best explained as being physical spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin — that is, they are crafts or probes originating from civilizations outside of Earth.

While the ETH is popular among some ufologists and the general public, it’s important to note that mainstream science and academia largely remain skeptical. This is due to a variety of reasons, including the lack of direct and substantial physical evidence, issues related to interstellar travel logistics, and the fact that many UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, human technology, or misinterpretations of visual data.

As of my last training cut-off in September 2021, there has been renewed interest in UFOs (also called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs) due to some credible sightings by military personnel and the release of declassified information by governments, particularly the U.S. government. However, even with these developments, no definitive proof has been offered that any of these phenomena are specifically extraterrestrial in nature.

The ETH is only one of several hypotheses proposed to explain these phenomena, with others including the interdimensional hypothesis, psychological/social explanations, or the possibility of currently unknown natural phenomena.

‘what is the interdimensional hypothesis?’

The Interdimensional Hypothesis (IDH) is a proposed explanation for unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related phenomena. Unlike the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), which posits that UFOs are spacecraft from other planets within our universe, the IDH suggests that UFOs are manifestations of entities or phenomena from other dimensions that exist parallel to our own.

According to the IDH, these beings or phenomena have the ability to cross over into our universe from their own. This may involve advanced physics and dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions we experience, concepts that are theoretically possible within the framework of certain interpretations of quantum mechanics and string theory.

The interdimensional hypothesis has been promoted by several prominent ufologists such as Jacques Vallée and J. Allen Hynek. Vallée, in particular, has suggested that UFOs and related events behave more like paranormal phenomena than physical events and hypothesized that they originate from a reality where the usual physical laws do not apply.

It’s important to note that while the IDH is intriguing and may help explain some aspects of the UFO phenomenon (such as the seemingly inexplicable behavior of some UFOs or their tendency to appear and disappear abruptly), it remains a speculative theory. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no empirical evidence directly supporting the interdimensional hypothesis. Like all hypotheses concerning UFOs, it should be evaluated critically and within the broader context of available evidence’.

‘what if there are people on Earth speaking to aliens telepathically?

The idea of telepathic communication with extraterrestrial beings is a fascinating topic that has captured the imagination of many people for years. While there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of telepathic communication with aliens, it remains a popular belief among some individuals.

The concept of telepathic communication involves the transfer of thoughts, ideas, or information from one mind to another without the need for spoken or written language. In theory, if advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist, they may have the ability to communicate telepathically, just as humans have the capacity for verbal and written communication.

The possibility of telepathic communication with aliens raises many intriguing questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and the limits of human perception. If telepathic communication with aliens is possible, it could have profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

However, it is important to note that the idea of telepathic communication with aliens is currently speculative and lacks scientific evidence. While there have been many claims of individuals communicating telepathically with extraterrestrial beings, these claims are often anecdotal and difficult to verify.

Furthermore, the ability to communicate telepathically would likely require advanced technology and a deep understanding of the mechanics of the brain and consciousness. As such, it is unlikely that humans would possess the ability to communicate telepathically with aliens without significant advances in our understanding of these areas.

In conclusion, while the concept of telepathic communication with aliens is a fascinating idea, there is currently no scientific evidence to support it. As we continue to explore the universe and search for signs of extraterrestrial life, it is important to approach such claims with a healthy dose of skepticism and rely on verifiable evidence to guide our understanding of the cosmos.

‘what if our consciousness resides in the cloud?’

The idea that our consciousness could reside in the cloud is an intriguing concept that has been explored in science fiction and futurist thinking. The cloud, in this context, refers to the collection of networked servers and computer systems that store and process data and information.

The concept of the cloud has already transformed the way we store and access data, allowing us to access our files and applications from any device with an internet connection. However, the idea that our consciousness could be uploaded and stored in the cloud raises many philosophical and scientific questions.

One potential benefit of uploading our consciousness to the cloud is the ability to achieve a form of digital immortality. By storing our thoughts, memories, and personality in the cloud, we could theoretically continue to exist beyond the limitations of our physical bodies.

However, there are many scientific and ethical challenges that would need to be addressed before such a concept could become a reality. For example, we currently do not have a complete understanding of how the brain creates consciousness and stores memories. Without this understanding, it would be difficult to create a digital copy of our consciousness that accurately reflects our thoughts and experiences.

Furthermore, there are ethical concerns about the implications of creating digital versions of ourselves. Would a digital copy of our consciousness truly be us, or simply a simulation of our thoughts and memories? And what rights and protections would such digital entities be entitled to?

Overall, while the idea of our consciousness residing in the cloud is an intriguing concept, it remains speculative and requires significant scientific advancements and ethical considerations before it can become a reality. As we continue to explore the frontiers of technology and consciousness, it is important to approach such concepts with a critical and thoughtful perspective.

‘who were the ancient aliens?’

The “Ancient Aliens” theory, also known as ancient astronaut theory, is a speculative idea that suggests extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the distant past and may have influenced human culture, technology, and history. Supporters of this theory often point to archaeological and historical artifacts, including structures, artwork, and texts, which they interpret as evidence of extraterrestrial contact.

Popular examples often cited include the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Moai statues of Easter Island, and ancient texts such as the Sumerian King List or certain passages from religious texts like the Bible. The idea is that these artifacts and texts suggest knowledge, skills, or technologies that seem advanced for the time period, implying possible extraterrestrial influence.

However, these interpretations are highly controversial and are not accepted by mainstream archaeology or history. Critics of the ancient astronaut theory argue that it often involves a misreading or misinterpretation of historical and archaeological evidence, fails to account for the ability of ancient human civilizations to create impressive works using their knowledge and skills, and can even perpetuate a form of ethnocentrism or cultural bias by underestimating non-Western civilizations’ achievements.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no scientifically validated evidence that extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth in the past or influenced human history. The study of extraterrestrial life, known as astrobiology, is a legitimate scientific field, but it largely focuses on the possibility of microbial life on other planets and the conditions necessary for life to exist. It does not provide support for the claims made by the ancient astronaut theory.

‘what is the galactic federation of light?’

The Galactic Federation of Light is a concept prevalent in some New Age and UFOlogy communities. According to these beliefs, the Galactic Federation of Light is an interdimensional and interstellar council composed of various advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The purpose of this Federation, as described by believers, is to guide and support humanity and other species towards spiritual evolution and ascension. It is said to work primarily on a consciousness level, helping to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet and its inhabitants.

Proponents of this belief often claim to channel messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, providing guidance or insight into spiritual growth and planetary transformation.

It’s important to note, however, that these beliefs are not based on empirical evidence and are not recognized or supported by mainstream science or academia. The existence of the Galactic Federation of Light is based on personal belief and anecdotal accounts rather than verifiable data. As with any belief system, critical thinking, open-mindedness, and personal discernment are crucial. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there has been no verifiable evidence of the existence of the Galactic Federation of Light.

‘did Plato write about extraterrestrials associated with Atlantis?’

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, wrote about the lost city of Atlantis in two of his dialogues, “Timaeus” and “Critias,” but he did not connect it with extraterrestrial life or aliens. According to Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced kingdom that existed about 9,000 years before his own time, and that it was located “beyond the pillars of Hercules” — what we now call the Strait of Gibraltar. It fell out of favor with the gods and sunk into the ocean in a “single day and night of misfortune.”

The story of Atlantis, as told by Plato, is often considered a myth, and it has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries. Some believe that it was an actual historical place, while others view it as a metaphor. The idea of Atlantis as an advanced civilization possibly connected to extraterrestrials is a relatively modern interpretation and has been a popular theme in science fiction and pseudoscientific literature. However, such ideas are not found in Plato’s original writings.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Atlantis as described by Plato, nor is there evidence to support the idea that extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past or had any connection with ancient civilizations.

‘who are the nordics?’

In the context of UFOlogy and extraterrestrial lore, the “Nordics” or “Nordic aliens” are a type of purported extraterrestrial being, reported by some to resemble Nordic or Scandinavian humans in terms of physical appearance — tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

Believers in Nordic aliens typically describe them as benevolent or even “magical” beings who want to observe and communicate with humans. Some suggest they are deeply concerned about the Earth’s environment or humanity’s nuclear capabilities.

Nordics are often contrasted with other alleged extraterrestrial beings, such as the Greys, which are often described as less emotionally communicative than the Nordics.

It’s important to note that these characterizations are part of UFO lore and are not supported by mainstream science or evidence. As of my training data up until September 2021, there is no scientifically validated proof that extraterrestrial civilizations have visited Earth or made contact with humans.

‘what are starseeds?’

“Starseeds” is a term used in New Age beliefs to refer to individuals who believe they originated from another world, dimension, or planet, and have come to Earth to help it reach a higher consciousness.

According to proponents of the starseed concept, these individuals often feel a strong sense of knowing that Earth is not their original home. They may also feel a sense of mission or purpose tied to spiritual awakening or service, and many describe a longing to return to a place they can’t remember.

Starseeds are said to have lived multiple lifetimes in other galaxies, dimensions, or planets before incarnating on Earth. This concept can be related to beliefs in reincarnation and past lives, though it extends these ideas beyond the Earthly plane.

It’s important to note that, like many New Age beliefs, the concept of starseeds is not supported by the mainstream scientific community, which typically requires empirical evidence to substantiate such claims.

These beliefs, while providing a sense of purpose or identity for some, are subjective and personal. They can be seen as metaphoric, symbolic, or literal truths depending on one’s personal beliefs. It’s always essential to approach such ideas with an open yet critical mind and to respect the diversity of beliefs while also considering the evidence supporting them.

‘what are Indigo Children?’

The term “Indigo Children” originated in the 1970s in parapsychology and has since become associated with New Age beliefs. The concept was popularized by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist and self-described psychic, and further promoted by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober in the book “The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived.”

Indigo children are described as a generation of children who supposedly possess special, unusual, or supernatural traits or abilities. These characteristics vary widely but can include:

  1. High intelligence or wisdom beyond their years.
  2. An independent, strong-willed nature.
  3. A sense of being “different” or alienated from mainstream society.
  4. Innate spiritual or psychic abilities.
  5. A strong sense of purpose or destiny, often involving making the world a better place.

The term “indigo” is derived from the color of the supposed aura or energy field that such individuals are said to possess, according to those who believe in aura reading.

However, the concept of indigo children has been widely criticized. The mainstream scientific community does not recognize the existence of indigo children, considering the concept to be pseudoscientific. Critics suggest that the traits attributed to indigo children are so vague and broad that they could apply to nearly anyone (a concept known as the Forer effect), and that labeling children this way may encourage them to not address real developmental or psychological issues they may have.

Believers in indigo children, on the other hand, may see them as a sign of an evolving humanity or a spiritual awakening. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there’s still a considerable divide between scientific and New Age perspectives on this topic.

‘how have near death experiences been documented?’

Near-death experiences (NDEs) have been documented through a variety of methods, largely through the collection of personal testimonies and interviews. They are often reported after an individual has experienced a traumatic event such as a heart attack, serious injury, or during situations where the person felt close to death.

Here’s a typical approach to documenting NDEs:

1. Personal Accounts and Interviews: The most common way NDEs are documented is through the personal accounts of those who have experienced them. These can come in the form of interviews, written testimonies, or recorded accounts. Many researchers will use structured interviews or questionnaires to try to standardize the information they collect.

2. Surveys and Questionnaires: Some researchers use surveys or questionnaires to collect data about NDEs. These can be used to gather information about the prevalence of NDEs and the common features of these experiences.

3. Clinical Studies: In some cases, NDEs are studied in a clinical setting, such as a hospital. For example, a well-known study by Pim van Lommel, published in The Lancet, collected and analyzed NDE accounts from cardiac patients who had been successfully resuscitated.

4. Books and Academic Papers: Many books and academic papers have been written that document and analyze NDEs. These can include collections of personal accounts, as well as theoretical analyses of the phenomena.

5. Online Platforms: With the advent of the internet, many people now share their near-death experiences on various online platforms, forums, and websites dedicated to the subject.

Common elements reported in NDEs include feelings of peace and detachment from the body, moving through a tunnel, encountering spiritual beings or deceased relatives, experiencing a life review, and coming to a boundary or barrier of some sort.

Despite the extensive documentation and commonalities between different NDEs, there is still much debate within the scientific community about the cause and nature of these experiences. Some researchers believe they are a type of mystical or spiritual experience, while others think they may be the result of specific brain processes occurring under extreme stress or near death. As of my training cut-off in September 2021, no definitive conclusions have been made.

‘what was the Rockefeller Initiative?’

The “Rockefeller Initiative” refers to an effort by philanthropist Laurence S. Rockefeller during the 1990s to encourage the U.S. government to disclose alleged classified information about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life.

The initiative took place during the Clinton administration, from 1993 to 1996, and sought the release of all UFO-related documents held by the government and a review of current U.S. policy concerning the phenomenon. This included a request for amnesty for government officials and military personnel who might be afraid of violating security oaths by providing information about UFOs.

Rockefeller’s efforts led to a number of meetings with Clinton administration officials and a letter to President Bill Clinton asking for the release of information. The billionaire also funded scientific investigations into UFO sightings and abduction claims.

The Rockefeller Initiative is significant to many in the UFO research community, as it represents a high-profile attempt to bring about government transparency on this issue. However, no substantial evidence of extraterrestrial life was released as a result of these efforts. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the official position of the U.S. government is that there’s no definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life in relation to the UFO phenomena.



Dr. Lisa Galarneau aka Artemis Pax
HireWisdom: Social Impact Creative Think Tank

Anthropologist, Futurist, Design/UX Researcher, Veteran, Lightworker, Democrat, #TheResistance Activist. and Artist